What is on your mind right now?

Omar del Sur



A digital nomad guy I know has moved to Africa to avoid Covid-19. He is staying there until July. :damn::dead:

Refugees from the West to Sub-Saharan Africa, never thought I'd see that. :ooh:

Omar del Sur

Here I am wanting to eat my biryani in peace and here I am stuck in an apocalyptic disaster caused by the sins of humanity.......

I may forgive you libs but I do not intend to forget that you people are in large part responsible.... I don't intend to forget what you people have caused.....
I’m just thinking about how badass @Medulla is. Kind of incredible honestly. He managed to trick 38 people into believing that he’s female. When he’s in fact just a thoughtful kind-hearted geeljiire. Keep being your wonderful self!


Bah Qabiil Fluid
I’m just thinking about how badass @Medulla is. Kind of incredible honestly. He managed to trick 38 people into believing that he’s female. When he’s in fact just a thoughtful kind-hearted geeljiire. Keep being your wonderful self!

Lmfaooo okay I did it you can stop, not trying to send you to the shadow realm


a y a n

nigga I am not a firefighter
really stressed
ap exams might be cancelled but i’m assuming that’s a good thing because i haven’t really studied much for them
science olympiad states and regionals are cancelled, i think that research competition in durham might be too
oh well
I’ve had enough now
No social interactions
No shopping
No takeaways
No walks in the park
No spring
No Going to museums or events
No meeting my friends for coffee
I can’t do this anymore
@Furioso this is just day two and we are going to be expected to stay like this for four weeks minimum . Where are these geeky scientists, find the cure now or else!

Find the cure now! I want to go shopping now and enjoy the breeze of the wind!

Lol Jared Leto just found out about the virus because he was in some pretentious resort in the desert. This is the most hipster thing I’ve ever heard.

