What is on your mind right now?


There’s something I’m craving rn

And it’s not food


You know when someone you do not like calls and you dont even pick up but the audacity of them calling you in the first place has you thinkin i swear you really dont know me qaxbo.

Omar del Sur

"Guns are for the weak. People don’t need them. I prefer to use medieval weaponry. About a week ago, some 4 young urchins were attempting to rob my manor when I came down on them with my halberd. I managed to split one down the middle, but I couldn’t lift it to fight the other 3. My chainmail blocked their blows and let me make the flight of my stairs to my ballista. As they ran up, I fired the wooden beast nailing two to the wall. The last one spared no chance, as I laid hands on the claymore I keep on my coat of arms. I first cut him on the sword arm and laughed as I beheaded him, knowing I needed no guns to defend myself or my property."