What is on your mind right now?

Why can't there be more hot girls with this level of command over af Somali where I live :oops:

Nvm she is not the same without makeup. I swear to God you ladies will learn that looking like a completely different person with make up is helping you in no way shape or form.

Still talking sexually in Somali will never not be hot af.


This week I found out that you can get massive discounts for IT services if you threaten to cancel subscriptions due to price. They immediately offer you -50% off. It's like haggling in the old days. :mjlol:



Black people are always cited as We WUZ types, today I learned White people have epic We WUZ claims too. They also claim to be an original tribe of Israel, and every other race is the devil.


huh? wdym?
We WUZ Blacks are a small subset of Blacks that are obsessed with religion and scripture, and also believe in Black Power/Afrocentrism, and claim to be original “Black Israelites”.

Similarly, White supremecist/Aryan Nation types are a subset of Whites who believe in White Power/White Nationalism, and have the exact same religiously-based claims to being the original Israelites, same as the Blacks.

The fact that people only mock Black We WUZ types must be a feature of mental enslavement, as in kicking down the underdog so as not to be him. No one cares that Whites have rendered a Middle Eastern Jesus as a European blue-eyed, sandy-haired dude, but they rofl at the Black version of that, when it is to be expected that they’d make “God” into their own image, psychologically.


We WUZ Blacks are a small subset of Blacks that are obsessed with religion and scripture, and also believe in Black Power/Afrocentrism, and claim to be original “Black Israelites”.

Similarly, White supremecist/Aryan Nation types are a subset of Whites who believe in White Power/White Nationalism, and have the exact same religiously-based claims to being the original Israelites, same as the Blacks.

The fact that people only mock Black We WUZ types must be a feature of mental enslavement, as in kicking down the underdog so as not to be him. Idk.

It's mainly the Ancient Egypt claim by AAs people mock and to a a lesser degree the Black Hebrew Israelite claims, but overall mainly the Ancient Egypt claim. It's extremely ridiculous since it is well-documented where AAs ancestors came from (along the coasts of West-Africa primarily) and there is a cultural discontuinity between the Yoruba/Igbo etc and Ancient Egyptians while there isn't really one between the British and the Romans (lots of influence), my two cents.


It's mainly the Ancient Egypt claim by AAs people mock and to a a lesser degree the Black Hebrew Israelite claims, but overall mainly the Ancient Egypt claim. It's extremely ridiculous since it is well-documented where AAs ancestors came from (along the coasts of West-Africa primarily) and there is a cultural discontuinity between the Yoruba/Igbo etc and Ancient Egyptians while there isn't really one between the British and the Romans (lots of influence), my two cents.
Yeah, but I mean what I outlined specifically. Black Hebrew Israelites and White Evangelical/Survivalist/Rapture folks are literally 2 sides of the same coin. People are more accepting of the equally ridiculous White narrative.
We WUZ Blacks are a small subset of Blacks that are obsessed with religion and scripture, and also believe in Black Power/Afrocentrism, and claim to be original “Black Israelites”.

Similarly, White supremecist/Aryan Nation types are a subset of Whites who believe in White Power/White Nationalism, and have the exact same religiously-based claims to being the original Israelites, same as the Blacks.

The fact that people only mock Black We WUZ types must be a feature of mental enslavement, as in kicking down the underdog so as not to be him. No one cares that Whites have rendered a Middle Eastern Jesus as a European blue-eyed, sandy-haired dude, but they rofl at the Black version of that, when it is to be expected that they’d make “God” into their own image, psychologically.
Yh I'm very familiar with these new AA Israelites, they're clowns, but no whote nationalist claims the ancient Jews to be Aryan. These 'we wuz kangz n shiet' fellas are obsessed with scripture and Ethiopia, they also believe to be the true Israelites and that the white man is set out to oppress them. Some of the stuff they say seems interesting ngl but most should be taken with a grain of salt.
It's mainly the Ancient Egypt claim by AAs people mock and to a a lesser degree the Black Hebrew Israelite claims, but overall mainly the Ancient Egypt claim. It's extremely ridiculous since it is well-documented where AAs ancestors came from (along the coasts of West-Africa primarily) and there is a cultural discontuinity between the Yoruba/Igbo etc and Ancient Egyptians while there isn't really one between the British and the Romans (lots of influence), my two cents.

The English (and really all western Europeans) have an enormous "we wuz kangz" complex when it comes to any ancient history predating the Norman Conquest. Prior to that, the English were viewed as savages that needed to be conquered by Rome until they were successfully conquered by a French bastard named William in 1066. Suffice to say, there were no meaningful ancient civilizations in Europe outside of Greece or Rome, hence why all British/French/German history text books begin with Aristotle, because they weren't doing jackshit in London, Paris, or Berlin until like the 10th century.

Omar del Sur

Yeah, but I mean what I outlined specifically. Black Hebrew Israelites and White Evangelical/Survivalist/Rapture folks are literally 2 sides of the same coin. People are more accepting of the equally ridiculous White narrative.

You're talking about the British Israelism? I mean..... I think that's part of "Aryan" neo-Nazi stuff..... I don't think it's accepted.

I've never come across someone espousing British Israelism in real life. The Hebrew Israelites I've seen them on street corners preaching loudly.

Omar del Sur

We WUZ Blacks are a small subset of Blacks that are obsessed with religion and scripture, and also believe in Black Power/Afrocentrism, and claim to be original “Black Israelites”.

Similarly, White supremecist/Aryan Nation types are a subset of Whites who believe in White Power/White Nationalism, and have the exact same religiously-based claims to being the original Israelites, same as the Blacks.

The fact that people only mock Black We WUZ types must be a feature of mental enslavement, as in kicking down the underdog so as not to be him. No one cares that Whites have rendered a Middle Eastern Jesus as a European blue-eyed, sandy-haired dude, but they rofl at the Black version of that, when it is to be expected that they’d make “God” into their own image, psychologically.

I think it is to be expected that people would depict Jesus (peace be upon him) as looling like themselves but......

the Afrocentrists make a big deal about saying "Jesus (peace be upon him) wasn't white!!! that man in the picture is such-and-such Italian! Jesus (peace be upon him) was a BLACK MAN!!!!!!"

I mean I don't think anyone except fringe elements think Jesus (peace be upon him) was white...... I think it's just understood that it's just an old-school picture from the Middle Ages and that it's understood that it's not like it's an actual photograph of Jesus (peace be upon him).......

I mean I had to catch a cab and I remember having to listen to the AA cab driver lecture about how "Buddha was black!".........

I mean if I had to catch a cab and I had to listen to a white driver lecture about "Buddha was a white man!" I think I'd be ten times more annoyed......

but I've never heard a white person go and rant about "Buddha was a white man!" or even say that Jesus (peace be upon him) was white.... I have never seen anyone claim Jesus (peace be upon him) was white

the Afrocentrics are really aggressive and walk right up and start telling you every historical figure ever was black....... but I've never actually seen anyone espouse British Israelism in real life...... the Afrocentrics should be countered.... they are on the offense trying to push their nonsense...... I have never seen "British Israelites" preach on street corners


I think it is to be expected that people would depict Jesus (peace be upon him) as looling like themselves but......

the Afrocentrists make a big deal about saying "Jesus (peace be upon him) wasn't white!!! that man in the picture is such-and-such Italian! Jesus (peace be upon him) was a BLACK MAN!!!!!!"

I mean I don't think anyone except fringe elements think Jesus (peace be upon him) was white...... I think it's just understood that it's just an old-school picture from the Middle Ages and that it's understood that it's not like it's an actual photograph of Jesus (peace be upon him).......

I mean I had to catch a cab and I remember having to listen to the AA cab driver lecture about how "Buddha was black!".........

I mean if I had to catch a cab and I had to listen to a white driver lecture about "Buddha was a white man!" I think I'd be ten times more annoyed......

but I've never heard a white person go and rant about "Buddha was a white man!" or even say that Jesus (peace be upon him) was white.... I have never seen anyone claim Jesus (peace be upon him) was white

the Afrocentrics are really aggressive and walk right up and start telling you every historical figure ever was black....... but I've never actually seen anyone espouse British Israelism in real life...... the Afrocentrics should be countered.... they are on the offense trying to push their nonsense...... I have never seen "British Israelites" preach on street corners
Well, they’re right in that. He wasn’t White.

Especially considering the fact that White Jesus was forced on them, it isn’t difficult to figure out how that programming would’ve been hard on them, and the fact that some of them are mentally strong enough to posit the opposite isn’t the wildest of conclusions.

It’s not British, its mainly American, just like Black Israelites are not native to Britain. The idea traveled across the pond. I’m not sure if the White Nationalists in Europe are religiously-oriented, but the ones in America tend to be.

They’re definitely not preaching it outwardly like the Black Israelites. They keep it among themselves, their fellow Whites, as they don’t care to convert others to White Nationalism.

Their view of White Jesus is certainly dominant worldwide. White Jesus is plastered on Churches across Asia, Africa and Latin America, and that connotates White dominance.

The reason Black Israelites tend to shout things on the streets makes sense on a psychological level as well. Most of their audience believes in a White Jesus, which is antithetical to their existence. They believe they’re setting the record straight.
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Omar del Sur

Well, they’re right in that. He wasn’t White. Especially, considering the fact that White Jesus was forced on them, it isn’t difficult to figure out how that would’ve been hard on them, and the fact that some of them are mentally strong enough to posit the opposite isn’t the wildest of conclusions.

It’s not British, it’s mainly American, just like Black Israelites are not native to Britain. The idea traveled across the pond. I’m not sure if the White Nationalists in Europe are religiously oriented, but the ones in America tend to be.

They’re definitely not preaching it outwardly like the Black Israelites. They keep it among themselves, their fellow Whites. They don’t care to convert others.

The reason Black Israelites tend to shout things on the streets makes sense on psychological level as well. Most of their audience believes in a White Jesus.

Not being white doesn't equal black.

The stuff the Hebrew Israelites say is false, as for as historical claims. I don't think the white nationalists are religious people. A lot of them are into paganism. They may be culturally Christian in some cases but they don't open the Bible and arrive at their beliefs.... they arrive at their beliefs and then maybe throw in some Bible verses but they're not really devout people. The devout Bible thumpers tend to believe the Bible is against racism.

They may not actually be British but the thing is called British Israelism.

The "we wuz Kangs" though really refers to the Egyptians-were-black thing. I don't think the Hebrew Israelites were that well known until recently.


Not being white doesn't equal black.

The stuff the Hebrew Israelites say is false, as for as historical claims. I don't think the white nationalists are religious people. A lot of them are into paganism. They may be culturally Christian in some cases but they don't open the Bible and arrive at their beliefs.... they arrive at their beliefs and then maybe throw in some Bible verses but they're not really devout people. The devout Bible thumpers tend to believe the Bible is against racism.

They may not actually be British but the thing is called British Israelism.

The "we wuz Kangs" though really refers to the Egyptians-were-black thing. I don't think the Hebrew Israelites were that well known until recently.
Well they’re both wrong!

But you’re clearly comfortable with the White Jesus, which is not surprising, since it’s the dominant worldview courtesy of colonialism.

White nationalists/White Power in America tend to be religious Christians.

Omar del Sur

Well they’re both wrong!

But you’re clearly comfortable with the White Jesus, which is not surprising, since it’s the dominant worldview courtesy of colonialism.

White nationalists in America tend to be religious Christians.

If white people were standing on street corners preaching Jesus (peace be upon him) was white, I'd be annoyed.

I've never actually seen anyone claim Jesus (peace be upon him) was white.

I don't really care if people have a drawing from the Middle Ages where he's depicted as white- my issue is that it's an image and I'm against images but I don't really care if he's drawn as white, Japanese or whatever.


If white people were standing on street corners preaching Jesus (peace be upon him) was white, I'd be annoyed.

I've never actually seen anyone claim Jesus (peace be upon him) was white.

I don't really care if people have a drawing from the Middle Ages where he's depicted as white- my issue is that it's an image and I'm against images but I don't really care if he's drawn as white, Japanese or whatever.
How silly you are. They don’t have to! They already set up Jesus being White worldwide, and the vast majority of the non-White Christian world population believes him to be as such.

Omar del Sur

How silly you are. They don’t have to! They already set up Jesus being White worldwide.

On the basis of a picture from the Middle Ages? I mean I've seen him depicted as black, Japanese.... if people don't like one picture, they can get another picture or better yet go with no picture.....

if someone watches Scarface and thinks Al Pacino is really a drug trafficker or watches Star Wars and thinks Mark Hamil is really an intergalactic jedi...... I mean..... it's kinda their problem.....

I think most people are aware that Jesus (peace be upon him) was a Middle Easterner.... maybe you grew up in an alternative dimension where you were taught he was white..... but I was taught he was a Middle Easterner.... I was never taught anything about Jesus (peace be upon him) being white and the depiction I grew up with showed him looking like a Middle Easterner


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