Is accept them whether they are Good or Evil. I have struggled with friends WHO were horrible to me. They are narcissists who are devoid of feelings. For the last two years i have blocked them and moved on. Yet they recently contacted me to tell me they missed me. I was shocked. I never imagined they will do so. My feelings are kinda mixed. I am used to running after them, under a cloud of former emotional abuse. And when i stood my ground, got therapy, and decided to take a break from everyone so that i can know myself, this friend calls. The old me would run and say- so u really really care? But i did not. Instead i was disgusted. My image of the person was changed. I rather liked when they had no feelings. I asked myself- well u got what u wanted. You revenged, and u have them where u want them. Then good empathic humanity in me feels small. Its good to leave people the way they are- never expect change or anything. Even if your intensity of friendship is NOT returned, its not your fault or their fault. Its your amazing difference or distinction for the friendship that is your testimony and makes you SHINE!