What is the most disturbing thing you have seen online

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I once I watched a public stoning in Iraq I think. They buried the poor woman from neck down and then started stoning her. She was an old lady, around 70 years old. I don't know what her supposed "crime" was but it was deeply shocking. Old frail grandmother being stoned to death. The look of helplessness on her face almost made me cry.

f*ck the world man.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
there was one video that fucked me up and i didnt even watch it :lol: . someone was telling me about this video where some indonesian niggas were trying to behead a cow for some reason. they finished the job like 90% and just stopped. the cow was still alive tho and was trying to walk around with its head hanging off its body :francis:

I watched one of Jihadi John's beheading Videos, they're surprisingly believable


Your superior

That is just a story, what gave it away was when he said the guy was drilling the girl's skull and he was smiling

That is bullshit, no one on the deep Web reveals their identity not even the most secure users, specially them doing a crime


A man cutting his balls off, and these two little ball thing pops out...
Eel soup, it's 2 a video of 2 japanese girls, one pours eels into her partners vjay and she starts squeezing them out like little live torpedes. It was sickening but slightly arousing.....

gilic mech

Satan worshipper
That is just a story, what gave it away was when he said the guy was drilling the girl's skull and he was smiling

That is bullshit, no one on the deep Web reveals their identity not even the most secure users, specially them doing a crime
of course it's not true it's called creepy pasta amature writers write this stuff. Google wiki creepy pasta .
Liveleak was worst when it was called ogrish. They toned it down to what now its called liveleaks.

NAAH really ogrish turned into liveleaks ?
Man that site was really messed up eventually FBI shut it down, most depraved site on the net it was :browtf:
Those Chechens slaughtering those Russian soldiers laughing while some cry out for their moms.

And seeing violent where only objective is to totally humiliate the female in the worst way imaginable, I know they signed up for it, but still.
The most terrifying thing I've watched is Isis marching the jordanian pilot towards his cage, I couldn't watch the actually burning that was just too much for me. Seeing the mans eyes really was haunting. I legit had a panic attack for a couple of days.
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