What is Your Best Advice on How one Should live Their Life?


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
Just wondering why there are so much children here. I assumed I was one of the youngest yet


prayers up! the young one's have gotten even younger. :samwelcome:
Please don't @ that guy he is very childish for 45 years old
I see people acting like people. Selfishness incarnate. It's getting worse, and With the global economy there are very few people in control of most everything. Most people have given up their "souls" to grab as much money as they can for themselves, and those they care for. It's a vicious cycle. I've seen friends go from having a little, and being happy, to having a lot more and being miserable. They work harder and harder to buy more things requiring them to work harder and harder.

Eventually this opens the door for people to imagine they are so much more important than others. "I work VERY hard" so therefore those who don't sell out to the dollar are Scum and deserve to be treated poorly. They begin to speed everywhere because they lack the time, not caring if they endanger the lives of those on the road. It grows and grows, until they are like all the people they say they hate so much.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that when you find you have enough, you can pay your bills, you can eat good food, when you've reached a point where you can live... Let be. It's easy to imagine that working your entire life away for people who don't give on shit about you, excepting that you make them money, is a great idea. More stuff, long vacations, bigger house! It is all so tempting, but you can chase that dream unto death and accomplish none of it. You will never have enough stuff, a big enough house, and the "right" car and clothes.

What is more important than all that glamorous life is having a strong relationship with your family,a lifetime of memories full of many precious moments to ponder forever with your parents, siblings, and Wife kids is biggest aspect most of humans consider their most important mission in life.

Live life now, because you're gonna die, it could be any second. Living for tomorrow fills the time, but when there are no more tomorrows, did you REALLY live at all? Did you? Do You?

What is the Best Why to live your Life according to You?:kanyehmm:
Enjoy life everyday because tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Tell people you love them, show appreciation when someone goes out of their way for you. Realize that nothing that happens in your life is a mistake. If you fail at something don't see it as a failure because you can always learn something from that experience and better yourself. Don't hold grudges against anyone , be the bigger person and forgive even if you can't forget. And lastly never say tomorrow I will do this, do it today, do it now if possible because you might not get the opportunity later.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Stand for what's right. Go around telling random people that we live under a hidden global Jewish-Masonic dictatorship.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Live life now, because you're gonna die, it could be any second. Living for tomorrow fills the time, but when there are no more tomorrows, did you REALLY live at all? Did you? Do You?

What is the Best Why to live your Life according to You?:kanyehmm:

we all must leave but that is not the end
Live for you. Do what makes you happy. You can't please everyone so don't even try. Self-love is the best love. Go after your dreams. You don't need permission to live.

My advice would be balance. Hereafter and Dunya. So, don't be like these ragtag somalis who sit in a mosque all day or wear a qamiis. Get a Job, have a family but also work towards your akhira. You can have both.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Enjoy life everyday because tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Tell people you love them, show appreciation when someone goes out of their way for you. Realize that nothing that happens in your life is a mistake. If you fail at something don't see it as a failure because you can always learn something from that experience and better yourself. Don't hold grudges against anyone , be the bigger person and forgive even if you can't forget. And lastly never say tomorrow I will do this, do it today, do it now if possible because you might not get the opportunity later.

Welcome back Zahra, you should post more and bless us with your kind and wise words, we might someday came across each other strolling on Lake Ontario and have garbage plate at Nick Tahou Hots my fellow NY Upstater.:salute:


Welcome back Zahra, you should post more and bless us with your kind and wise words, we might someday came across each other strolling on Lake Ontario and have garbage plate at Nick Tahou Hots my fellow NY Upstater.:salute:

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Do you know I've NEVER had a garbage plate and I used to live so close to that restaurant. I usually log on just to see the topics and only put my opinions & thoughts on post that seem to catch my interest. I always see your post and I love how they get your mind to think. You have A LOT of interesting discussions.

Mr Sufi

THINK fucking think about your next moves

No drugs no alcohol don't destroy your mind and body

Sleep early wake up early
Sleep early and wake up late catch up in sleep

Drink water more water the soda and juices

Practice meditation my reading Quranic verses

Go for walks in your nationals parks or conservation areas be in nature


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Do you know I've NEVER had a garbage plate and I used to live so close to that restaurant. I usually log on just to see the topics and only put my opinions & thoughts on post that seem to catch my interest. I always see your post and I love how they get your mind to think. You have A LOT of interesting discussions.

Well becuase the dish was invented for the drunk crowd coming out of the clubs at night, I was a regular at Soho club and we used to swing by that restaurant late at night.:banderas:

Anyway ,uou probably like my threads because of us both are older than most of the members on here and we both experienced the sweet(Horrible for me) life of a marriage.:mjcry:
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بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
  • Abstain from all vice (alcohol, cigs, , empty relationships etc)
  • Eat mainly organic and nutrient dense foods if affordable (pastured meat, raw dairy, eggs etc)
  • Early to bed and early to rise
  • Get regular exercise (hiking, weight-lifting, calisthenics, jogging; whatever is your fancy)
  • Do good things for others and your community even if you don't want to
  • Strive to be spiritual and not cynical
  • Find a passion & craft and pursue it and don't worry if your passions grow and change
  • Spend ample time in nature like among animals or out in the woods or desert and so forth
  • Adopt some form of meditation such as prayer or mindfulness meditation
  • Adopt minimalistic lifestyle where you can be content with very little
  • Maintain healthy social bonds, be understanding towards people and loving but get away from people you realize are truly psychopathic and don't care about you at all
  • Strive to have a loving family someday and fight the urge to self isolate
  • Read books fairly often. Doesn't necessarily matter what
  • Be dventurous but avoid blind hedonism and anything that may hurt others
Sure there are more points but that's mostly it, my nigs and nigettes.
Well becuase the dish was invented for the drunk crowd coming out of the clubs at night, I was a regular at Soho club and we used to swing by that restaurant late at night.:banderas:

Anyway ,uou probably like my threads because of us both are older than most of the members on here and we both experienced the sweet(Horrible for me) life of a marriage.:mjcry:
Marriages take A LOT of work.
Well becuase the dish was invented for the drunk crowd coming out of the clubs at night, I was a regular at Soho club and we used to swing by that restaurant late at night.:banderas:

Anyway ,uou probably like my threads because of us both are older than most of the members on here and we both experienced the sweet(Horrible for me) life of a marriage.:mjcry:
I believe this forum is filled with a lot teenagers or young adults. That's one reason why I have gotten away from using it. But every now and then I'll peek to see what people are saying.