what is your computer rig

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It really isnt booto, I have had a beat up mac pro since 2010 that I have been using up until end of last year. This is not even very impressive when I see colleagues with dual xeon setups and quadros, all of my components are consumer grade and professional because I can not afford professional grade parts so instead I built a glorified gaming setup. I need this for work so saved up for a very long time. I do not have many other expenses, do not spend much on outings..etc.

Hoping for this to stay good for sometime to come, but hearing the news about the new Pascal cards I feel I will need to sell the Titan that I had intended to sli for the newer cards coming later in the year.
Hoping for this to stay good for sometime to come, but hearing the news about the new Pascal cards I feel I will need to sell the Titan that I had intended to sli for the newer cards coming later in the year.

Exactly what Im waiting for this year. Apparently its the biggest jump for a few generations.
Why would you SLI that. RIP to your power/electricity bill. Anyways from a practical standpoint it doesn't make sense. You're not working at a animation studio rendering intense 3d models so you would never even need half of that 12gb video ram, let alone SLI. Why all you niggas in this thread have to lie so much lool

I work with Octane which is a gpu based render, so had to build a rig optimised for gpu, again I sacrificed getting a more powerful professional grade cpu and the card struggles with certain scenes hence the sli. I am actually thinking of adding 3-4 cards in the future when I have the funds :D


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
Mine is
AMD FX8370 8 core
MSI 970 gaming Board
Gforce GTX 750i
24 inch LED samsung monitor

What is yours :cool:

Good setup. I intend to build a gaming PC when AMD and Nvidia new GPU are released and see if they are worth buying.


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I work with Octane which is a gpu based render, so had to build a rig optimised for gpu, again I sacrificed getting a more powerful professional grade cpu and the card struggles with certain scenes hence the sli. I am actually thinking of adding 3-4 cards in the future when I have the funds :D
bro if you are not lying, that is awesome rig. are you 3D animator/architecture by profession ?
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