What is your favorite date?


I rarely eat dates, and when I do, honestly, it's in ramadan or the uncommon days I have milk in the fridge.
I've got at least a glass of semi-skimmed milk every day. There's regular 4pint milk everyone uses for tea and cereals n shit. And there's macaan 1 liter cartons of semi skimmed I drink all the time. Milk is genuinely beautiful, I can imagine why people jn ancient times used to say heaven had rivers of Milk and Honey. I like pouring honey on toast with my milk sometimes.
Always got dates in the cupboard aswell. How can you not love it.
My favourite is 'balax' found in Bari. It is not very sweet and I could eat a whole bag of it in one go.

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Here are more types of Somali dates 'timr'.

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This date farm is 7 km with 40,000 trees.

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This might be a hot take but I don’t really like dates. Maybe it’s the ones i’ve had but I don’t like the texture and aftertaste. Maybe it’s an acquired taste?


Not affiliated with HAG, puntland1st, CBB, MBB, SL


I've noticed no one ever has a normal response to matters of milk consumption. One time I heard a person say that having milk in the fridge after the formative years is psycopathy. That is how I knew she was a sociopath.

To tear down your thespian display, I do consume diary and milk in other ways. What I don't do is buy regular milk casually.
Yaab wallahi! :williamswtf:
Milk is a huge staple in my groceries run. I don't like the milk in America to be honest, they don't taste great. I never knew this until my teens when I drank organic milk for the first time.

I once added Honey to organic milk and I've never been the same.
thirsty hamster GIF

Organic Milk is just.....
Cat Pink GIF by TJ Fuller
I've never tasted anything sweeter!

Now I just use disgusting american milk in things like coffee, tea, cereal, side drink with sweets.


I don't eat dates. I sparingly consume fruits. :mybusiness:That's why I'm a size 0-2. Cheap men/financially unstable brothers want something to hold on to because their goal is to devour you in case of famine. I'm not on their menu or their tax bracket. Alx. That's enough of an incentive to minimize ones sugar intake.
I wish cheap men were an enough of a incentive sis, lol :deadpeter:

I've accepted the fact that I won't be able to resist sugar. :stressed: Now my focus is trying to lessen processed sugar, and replace it with more natural ones like dates or honey.


I've noticed no one ever has a normal response to matters of milk consumption. One time I heard a person say that having milk in the fridge after the formative years is psycopathy. That is how I knew she was a sociopath.

To tear down your thespian display, I do consume diary and milk in other ways. What I don't do is buy regular milk casually.

Thespian kulaha. Wallahi I admire how well you speak English given that you know at least 3 other languages and it's not your first one? Somali, one of the scando languages, and Arabic. I would admire you even if you did not drink caano, you big brain ninja!
I only grab them in Ramadan, dates are actually good for you, they don't raise blood sugar all that much.
I don't know about the health benefits. All I know is that it is better than chocolate and worse than an apple. Is that fair? The reason why I don't often eat it is because of the sweetness. I would not eat it without milk around.
I've got at least a glass of semi-skimmed milk every day. There's regular 4pint milk everyone uses for tea and cereals n shit. And there's macaan 1 liter cartons of semi skimmed I drink all the time. Milk is genuinely beautiful, I can imagine why people jn ancient times used to say heaven had rivers of Milk and Honey. I like pouring honey on toast with my milk sometimes.
Always got dates in the cupboard aswell. How can you not love it.
Have you put honey on milk?

I don't hate milk, I just don't buy it often.
Thespian kulaha. Wallahi I admire how well you speak English given that you know at least 3 other languages and it's not your first one? Somali, one of the scando languages, and Arabic. I would admire you even if you did not drink caano, you big brain ninja!
I never use the word thespian. Sounded too close to lesbian so I applied it out of amusement. And that came from you who use "Patricianness."

I drink milk, I don't have it around, guys That is all. I drink chocolate milk more than regular milk. And the milk out here is not what you consume. I drank milk from Egypt and it had at least double the density.

If I have cookies around, I might go out of my way to buy milk. I don't like to eat cookies raw. Makes me thirsty.
Yaab wallahi! :williamswtf:
Milk is a huge staple in my groceries run. I don't like the milk in America to be honest, they don't taste great. I never knew this until my teens when I drank organic milk for the first time.

I once added Honey to organic milk and I've never been the same.
thirsty hamster GIF

Organic Milk is just.....
Cat Pink GIF by TJ Fuller
I've never tasted anything sweeter!

Now I just use disgusting american milk in things like coffee, tea, cereal, side drink with sweets.
I used to drink farming milk that we had to boil so I have probably consumed more real milk than niggas saying they love milk on this thread. You guys don't know what it is like to slurp up the foam, so don't talk to me about milk experience.


I don't know about the health benefits. All I know is that it is better than chocolate and worse than an apple. Is that fair? The reason why I don't often eat it is because of the sweetness. I would not eat it without milk around.

Have you put honey on milk?

I don't hate milk, I just don't buy it often.
Nah I haven't done that yet will try tho


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I've never tried them frozen. How do they taste?
It tastes the same, just frozen. And it cools your mouth down as a plus, but to me thats how I personally prefer to have them most of the time.