What is your skin tone?

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cismaan maxamuud
I identify as dark brown,but I get really dark in the aussie summer,thats why I have some severe discolouration, my chest is legit yellow and my face is dark brown,aussie sun does wonders guys
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Im dark skin
My sisters are dark skin too but very different
They have this red ish skim tone

And mine is more likely grey

In the summer my skin is better than in the winter, in the winter its so grey and unhealthy :liberaltears:
But pics are not always reality
If i look at the pictures ive made
I look like black on the one picture like blacblack and at the other pic i have this red ish dark skin tone
It's probably because she doesn't moisturise,grey skin is weird but unmoisturised skin can be misconstrued as looking kinda greyish if the person happens to be dark enough.

Nooo its not grey because i dont moisturise, i take good care of my skin trust me
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