What makes you disappointed?

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It's Sambuus, hence the phrase "bur iyo sambuus". No I or A at the end of it.

As for what dissapoints me, when i trust someone or wait on something from someone and they let me down. More often i'm dissapointed with myself for relying on others. I've long learnt in life that the World doesn't owe you shit. You have to get off your back and work on yourself.
I learned that the hard way
When I go grocery shopping or hoyo does and I strategically hide my cereal so my siblings dont murk it in a day, and then the next morning I wake up and pour my cereal into the bowl to only find out afterwards that theres no fucking caano. Then i have to mission to the grocery store in my pyjamas for fucking caano


. . .
When I hide a slice of cheesecake in the fridge and wake up next day to find it gone. The struggle of having brothers

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