What name should Somaliland change to?


The Gulf of Berbera
جمهورية عدل
Would be fine and dont mind the triggered dabootyans and konfurians. No body asked for their opinions.
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Y’all… if you’re not even gonna answer her question, why comment? Honestly, I think something like Berbera Coast, Berbera State, or even Zeila would sound pretty good


جمهورية عدل
Would be fine and dont mind the triggered dabootyians and konfurians. No body asked for their opinions.
Right. This thread was specifically to get feedbacks on new names we can add and replace Somalland in the near future, yet somehow my thread got derailed to us being self haters and wanting to withdrew from our identity.


Y’all… if you’re not even gonna answer her question, why comment? Honestly, I think something like Berbera Coast, Berbera State, or even Zeila would sound pretty good
That's very nice. I also proposed that name earlier this year. I especially like Zeila it sounds so unique, it will draw anyone with that name
Too many people larp as landers what makes you think I'm going to believe you?
Why are you talking as if lander have done dirt to lasscannad ? Muse was shelling lasscannad for 3 years. you have the oddassity to stating SL is in a victim state. My family lives in Lasscannad , Budholdla and Soul. SL always state the been attacked but and want to break off from Somalia, but they are attack my family regions. This why SSC was formed and they own all of Soul, Sanage and broke off from SL.


Why are you talking as if lander have done dirt to lasscannad ? Muse was shelling lasscannad for 3 years. you have the oddassity to stating SL is in a victim state. My family lives in Lasscannad , Budholdla and Soul. SL always state the been attacked but and want to break off from Somalia, but they are attack my family regions. This why SSC was formed and they own all of Soul, Sanage and broke off from SL.
What you talking about? never said we're totally innocent. I'm talking about the derailment of this thread. I was talking about a new name for Somaliland yet somehow people like to put their two cents in about how we hate being Somali. What has that got to do with this thread?
What you talking about? never said we're totally innocent. I'm talking about the derailment of this thread. I was talking about a new name for Somaliland yet somehow people like to put their two cents in about how we hate being Somali. What has that got to do with this thread?
Do you believe SL is a state in Somalia? Just like SSC State and Awdal state and Puntland state?
Once a proper regime takes over the pathetic thing in xamar atm, somalia will undergo a massive, but carefully calculated process to split up the states into more manageable sections. This of course will be happening to what sland currently claims, in fact it is already being done with khatuumo ssc maakhir whatever they call themselves and Awdal. The somali government needs to support those states strongly. Because that is the keystone for sland recognition. Without it, what do they have? In fact, the majority of isaaq people dont support sland at all and they want to be apart of somalia. Which is why I dont insult the people, but the idea its self I urge people in the thread to follow that rationale also. But anyways,
This entire idea was created because of 2 things, the funding of rebel groups by ethiopia to split somalia. They supported snm which claimed the british colonial borders, they were just claims and even those borders were just parceled to let the other europeans know their bounds of influence. A group created by a christian and atheist in london. They also take their base in one clan the isaaq which is completely wrong. Again the majority of isaaqs dont support this wild regime, its only the few crazed ones as we are witnessing right here that support it vehemently. Along side that, thier being supported by foreigners like ethiopia and to a certain extent britain, but even they dont support it anymore.

A proper somali government would do is neutralize this entire idea and make sure it never formulates again. First you need to start funding those seperatist rebel groups in ethiopia. Give em enough to sustain but not ever to empower them enough.

Secondly, they would change up the borders accordingly Even the map I gave is not going to be good enough. We need something LIKE it but not exact and this can be created easily with professionals on some sort of council. Or just looking at the map. So somaliland needs to split without a doubt.

This same policy will be carried out with every state in somali aswell. Jland, Pland, SWS, Gmdg, all the stuff in the center. Same with Galbeed when we aquire that region. All the governors will also be in tight coordination with the national central government. Maybe let off some pressure with some 'planned' opposition i.e. light calls for some devolution of power to satisfy the most 'crazed' ones. Its a fool proof plan and this is just coming from me. Imagine a whole panel a whole government of like minded, somaliweyn individuals.


I saw someone on reddit mention it and kept seeing "East African" and "horn of african which I find ridiculous. It's unoriginal and I don't want to share the name with other EA nations like Kenya, etc. Why can't the government propose authentic traditional names? I wanted Adal but the names been taken and regardless the name is actually shared with Ethiopian history so not really a good idea. But as of now I can't really think of any new name. Any of my landers know of any unique name? Although I do know Faisal one of the candidates proposed for a new name so I do hope he actually wins the election
United habaryaros
I barely ever comment. Anything SL related in this website is going to get hijacked. Full of children who can't stay on topic or mind their own business.

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, among excellence in Islam is for a man to leave what does not concern him.

3 pages and only two name suggestions. smh don't bother walaal.


I barely ever comment. Anything SL related in this website is going to get hijacked. Full of children who can't stay on topic or mind their own business.

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, among excellence in Islam is for a man to leave what does not concern him.

3 pages and only two name suggestions. smh don't bother walaal.
Thanks. I should have known my thread was going to be hijacked. A simple new name change got a lot of them rattled. Pathetic.
I barely ever comment. Anything SL related in this website is going to get hijacked. Full of children who can't stay on topic or mind their own business.

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, among excellence in Islam is for a man to leave what does not concern him.

3 pages and only two name suggestions. smh don't bother walaal.
It's wild how people get so triggered every time Somaliland comes up It makes sense that they’d want to distance themselves from the somali name if the only thing Somalis do is hate on them