What really is Wahhabism?


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Would you mind doing me a favor? Can you prove in the words of the Sheikh himself that Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab made takfir on the Ottomans? You're not making that sort of claim without having verified it, right? You have some proof in his own words that he made takfir on them right?
In Durar 9/291-292 (الدرر السنية في الأجوبة النجدية – ج 9: الجهاد 2 – حكم المرتد) we find the Wahhabis making takfir (excommunication) of the Ottoman Empire, anybody who “worships graves and righteous people” (according to their definition of that), and also anybody who does not agree with them in this takfir.

Omar del Sur

You are really defending the man that was completely ostracized from all the madhabs. The man that claimed for the past 800 years no one was following islam and therefore they were kuffar. The man that massacred hundreds if not thousands of muslims whether they just be average people or sheikhs or imams because they didn’t follow him.

Sheikh ul Islam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab helped cleanse the Arabian of shirk, alhamdulilaah. I read people were worshipping rocks and trees.

"The man that claimed for the past 800 years no one was following islam and therefore they were kuffar"

I think this is a clear example how people bring stuff about the Sheikh that is simply made up. Where did he make takfir on all Muslims for the past 800 years?

Omar del Sur

In Durar 9/291-292 (الدرر السنية في الأجوبة النجدية – ج 9: الجهاد 2 – حكم المرتد) we find the Wahhabis making takfir (excommunication) of the Ottoman Empire, anybody who “worships graves and righteous people” (according to their definition of that), and also anybody who does not agree with them in this takfir.
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so who is making takfir here? "the wahhabis". ok but I don't think Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab made takfir on the Ottomans. even your post says "the wahhabis"- not Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab.

Omar del Sur

Shaikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Bāz, may Allāh have mercy on him, said:

Shaikh Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb never revolted against the empire of the Ottoman Caliphate according to what I know and believe, since the Turks neither had any government nor emirate in Najd; rather, Najd was [made up of] small emirates and scattered villages, and over every town or village—no matter how small—there was an independent emir. And they were emirates such that among them were battles, wars and conflicts.
Shaikh Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb never revolted against the empire of the caliphate; he only came out against corrupt practices in his land; so he fought and strove his utmost for Allāh’s sake as He should be fought for, and he bore with greater patience than others and persevered, until the light of this call [to worshipping Allāh alone] spread out to other lands…[.]


