What Somalia Got Wrong

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They have self hate because they don't like to read.
  • We were the first to domesticate the camel
  • First Africans to trade with China and India
  • We built tall buildings (according to Vasco da Gamma)
  • Are cities were huge (according to Ibn Battuta)
  • We beat the Portuguese (when they were a superpower)
  • Our history could go back possibly 5000 years if we include Land of Punt
Good points
What i dislike is that people usually come out with the same old statement "Somalia is trash", " We have nothing to be proud of", " The country will never succeed in the future" and etc. They always state the problem and never offer any type of solution. The true heroes of our communities are the Somalis that study in the diaspora and go back to Somalia and accomplish goals and make a change. Not the " Most Somalis have low IQ except for me and my family because we are all educated."
50 years Fat whale retard
Lmao just shows that your really lacking brain cells you old 45 year old witch you're older than my mum and you're throwing childless insults at other people on this forum who are probably half your age.

Bye biaaachh
Lmao just shows that your really lacking brain cells you old 45 year old witch you're older than my mum and you're throwing childless insults at other people on this forum who are probably half your age.

Bye biaaachh

Hun don't be shame from your body shape, there is nothing wrong with being fat old woman just cut the pasta and rice that you are addicted to them and eat healthy balance meals. No one eats pasta& rice 3 times in day. Take care
Lmao just shows that your really lacking brain cells you old 45 year old witch you're older than my mum and you're throwing childless insults at other people on this forum who are probably half your age.

Bye biaaachh
You can't even construct a proper coherent sentence and you are taking shots at eedo canuck ?
Clearly you're the one that lacks brain cells you deranged hypocritical piece of shit.


tfw no habesha gf
Shut up, Nuux Omar were not from sultanate house at all and only Fatah and Garad that were from sultanate house, do not make me talk more about nuux Omar. Treat your inferiority complex in some where else
I'm Warsangeli that's all that matters. Tell me about Nuuh Omar


tfw no habesha gf
That profile picture :dead:
pepe version
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