how is everyone with money fleeing going to help that issue? why don't they take that large sum of money and help to create jobs in their own local economy. But, like I said I put the blame on the greedy politicians for making it unlivable.These are the same people that sodomised Muammar Gaddafi with sticks and mobile phones after he died, shit.. they even gave him a lap dance. Libya is pretty much the shit stained anus of North Africa, you either make it through or you don't and on the off chance that you don't you're either sexually exploited, curb-stomped into forced labour, kidnapped and held for a ransom or killed for your organs.
That's not even the worst case scenario, they have thriving slave markets which they fill up with a couple of hundred African migrants
like a deck of Yugi'oh cards before selling them off for a hundred/thousand? sandcac dinars.
It's been trending in the north true but it's done all over tbh, it boils down to the person making a firm decision and just doing it.
I think that it's very easy to for us to be against the tahriib notion especially since we've never been in a situation were we've had to be in their shoes. Skirmishes left and right, starving kids, fat politicians fatten up their pockets, shit even if you were to graduate in Somalia there's zero job opportunities.