What was your biggest experience of “culture shock” in another country?

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If you have the money go there bruv, but it is becoming more shit with all these Syrian refugees they are changing the city to shitholes like theirs.

Mardin is historical city you are lucky if you go there beautiful city kurds are much like Somalis
Ma qaxooti aa maage
You’re own parents were one sxb
But Mardin sounds quite interesting
What is the old city you speak of?
What places are there to go in Mardin


Guul Ama Geeri
You fool mouthed imbecile, I know nothing even if my own tribe. I politely asked you quite a few times to leave this thread that was created for the purpose of open mindness and disovery of other cultures. But you resorted to foul language, I’m not hubris or whatever because I’m the person with the lowest self esteem ever and you took the rest I had with you :damedamn:. So please @wawenka abaayada ka xishoo don’t anger me. Don’t be a kill joy let’s talk about the place you’ve been to.
My Bad Abayo didnt even realise you were s Female... I been Too Somalia Kenya Tanzania Thailand cyprus uae France Spain germany Denmark norway Marocko and the GB i think that is it hehehehe
My Bad Abayo didnt even realise you were s Female... I been Too Somalia Kenya Tanzania Thailand cyprus uae France Spain germany Denmark norway Marocko and the GB i think that is it hehehehe
Love your trademark laugh hehehehe
Wow cyprus and Thailand


Mudug menaces don't mince their words
Ma qaxooti aa maage
You’re own parents were one sxb
But Mardin sounds quite interesting
What is the old city you speak of?
What places are there to go in Mardin

Mardin is an old city it was part of the Hurrian kingdom
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