What we can learn from Will Smith

Omg. I saw that video on Tiktok this morning. Walaahi if Will Smith was mine, boqor baan ka dhigi lahaa :banderas:So fine. Too bad he's a cuck. Why are so many handsome men either cucks or straight up gay?
wow you understand me. my exact sentiments


They both look like shit. Jada is an androgynous cancer victim and Will Smith eye area is truecel tier.

Jada Stevens is just retarded and doesn’t know how to act normal, it reflects more poorly on her than anything. Also think about what you’re saying. A man acting a bit ‘weak’ justifies a woman humiliating herself her family and being an uninhibited animal? It’s a weird self destructive irresponsible way of thinking that I understand well tbh
NoFap detox immediately my guy

Dave Chappelle Wow GIF


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