What Would You Do?


The only Somali in Arabia
First of all there is no such thing as the "You've met this perfect girl". I would council you to dispel such silly and outright dangerous notions.

As for your hypothesis, I would invest my time and money, if the risks were proportional to what I stood to gain.
Under this risk/reward assessment; crossing the seven oceans, spending untold money, risking a stray bullet from the American Maddow, all for one stranger of a woman is not proportional.

I was in this situation after her student exchange programme ended. The lame star crossed lovers whom will surmount all odds, soon turns into a logistical nightmare, every visit you will have to pay hundreds for a place to stay, travelling expenses, gifts for families etc.

The strange places and faces will quickly wear you out, if she does not first.

Are attractive, chaste, religious, maskeen girls whom are kind hearted in such a low supply in Saudi?

Be careful that you are not being mastered by the one eyed cyclops from your lower regions.
I've barley seen somalis here, hence my little quote, but your right, I have to balance the risks. But I have literally never met anyone remotely like her, I'm very logical and the things you mentioned are the things making me doubt the journey. I'm also very critical and aware yet I didn't smell anything off of her to say, well f*ck her, moving on. Also, the fact I knew who she was before I met her in the most random way feels almost prophetic.
Don't worry you'll meet her ten years from now.

Internet Nomad

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This is the one thing that bugs me. The only thing stopping me is the fear of being played and wondering if its worth the risk of crushing my younger teen self.
The pain of regret is far more than the pain of getting played.

Getting heartbroken hurts but you can heal.
Regret is something that holds onto you for your entire life.

Do what’s right for you.

Don’t think with your private part but with what your intellect and intuition is telling you.

Make a lot dua that Allah makes it easy as well.
Logistics in modern marriage is more important than feelings and in your case I have already started to think about important matters of where we would live, who is willing to relocate and such weighty matters, before getting on a plane and since you have her contacts why not get in touch and broach such matters, might open your mind a bit more before making any weightier decisions.
I kid you not she looks a little like this wom0an, I'm seeing this person everywhere I look.

it's her jinn shape shifting to fool you.

Say you moved to the U.S for her, then what? If you got the money you can gamble, otherwise go no contact.


The only Somali in Arabia
Looking at some cadaan and thinking about xalimo kkk you're too far gone
She has eurocentric features
Why not marry from the uk or saudi raised girls
Nobody in Saudi, and the UK is a cesspit that is still away from close family anyways.
Get to know her first via long distance, if she isn't willing to do even that drop it fam.
I'll do this. She seems more scared about marriage than me from her replies,short bland answers but she replies the second I text her.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
You've met this perfect girl on holiday in Somalia, but she lives in America and you live in Saudi Arabia, you don't know too much about her other than obviously what she tells you and when you saw each other but you strongly think she isn't a fake. She's very attractive, religious, kind and a little miskeen I.e perfect, but would you travel across Earth to marry and investigate this women whom you barely know? What would you do?

I would leave her alone if "i" were YOU :susp:

U r not alpha enuf


The only Somali in Arabia
I would leave her alone if "i" were YOU :susp:

U r not alpha enuf
I'm plenty alpha,she's interested in me to give my unknown ass her number on holiday despite the fact we live on separate corners of the globe and she wants marriage not a boyfriend.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I'm plenty alpha,she's interested in me to give my unknown ass her number on holiday despite the fact we live on separate corners of the globe and she wants marriage not a boyfriend.

Well do it then! You should be calling her and making plans to visit her. And also plans for an engagement. Be forward and decisive in Marexaaanoow


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Listen if you like her alot and what your saying about her is true then go for it keep texting for 2 weeks or so and if its still going and theres traction then continue but subtly hint more at marriage and possible engagement and if she reciprocates the same feeling then you keep forging on and make necessary plans to meet, grow the relationship and other arrangements also when your doing all of this keep in mind that women are very emotionally complex and high mental maintenance people their brains dont work like ours so every text and word you send needs meticulous planning, thought and logic and also keep in mind that there are plenty of more fish in the sea you have to have that abundance mentality when speaking to them or else you would get too emotional and attached.
She has eurocentric features

Nobody in Saudi, and the UK is a cesspit that is still away from close family anyways.

I'll do this. She seems more scared about marriage than me from her replies,short bland answers but she replies the second I text her.
There are plenty of good women in the uk not all of them are bad
I'm plenty alpha,she's interested in me to give my unknown ass her number on holiday despite the fact we live on separate corners of the globe and she wants marriage not a boyfriend.
Did you ask her for her number or did she offer it to you? Big difference. Nothing wrong with getting to know someone from a different continent too. What matters more is the person than the location.

you can have someone in her locale who is a relative of yours bring your family info about her and her family. You probably have family living in the same place and they’ll be able to find out more for you before you even go visit. Also you can ask many things over the phone to gauge the person’s views, principles, and life outlook.
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