What your views regarding Surrogacy

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Suicidal men adore me.

The reason is why the woman is doing it for money? I assume You live in a western country would you let others exploit your body for money? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't because you have access to a job and access to education. Women in third world countries don't. So instead of exploiting them and taking advantage of their poor situations how about we help them get the same opportunities as men? A woman who can read, write and has a job is not likely gonna end up prostituting herself or let others use her womb.
The reason is why the woman is doing it for money? I assume You live in a western country would you let others exploit your body for money? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't because you have access to a job and access to education. Women in third world countries don't. So instead of exploiting them and taking advantage of their poor situations how about we help them get the same opportunities as men? A woman who can read, write and has a job is not likely gonna end up prostituting herself or let others use her womb.

You know what I kinda feel you but youre thinking along the lines of an idealistic world. In the real world there is a demand for wombs for rent and naturally there is a supply to match. In a Utopia everyone would be well off and not in need of renting their womb but unfortunately we havent got there yet and you have no right to dictate what someone chooses to do with their womb.


The reason is why the woman is doing it for money? I assume You live in a western country would you let others exploit your body for money? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't because you have access to a job and access to education. Women in third world countries don't. So instead of exploiting them and taking advantage of their poor situations how about we help them get the same opportunities as men? A woman who can read, write and has a job is not likely gonna end up prostituting herself or let others use her womb.
I understand where you're coming from but its just the way it is. Women can do whatever to their bodies


Suicidal men adore me.
@Barni prostitution and sex workers are mostly poor women too. Are you against prostitution?

Yes I'm against prostitution. Did you know the entry age for prostitution is between 12-14 years old and that at least 70% of prostituted women have been sex trafficked? Prostitution legitimizes pedophilia and upholds sex slavery.


Suicidal men adore me.
You know what I kinda feel you but youre thinking along the lines of an idealistic world. In the real world there is a demand for wombs for rent and naturally there is a supply to match. In a Utopia everyone would be well off and not in need of renting their womb but unfortunately we havent got there yet and you have no right to dictate what someone chooses to do with their womb.

The demand is the problem not the supply. Create laws that make it illegal. Swedish government just signed a law that says traveling abroad for surrogacy is illegal. As long as there is a demand there will be a supply. .


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Yes I'm against prostitution. Did you know the entry age for prostitution is between 12-14 years old and that at least 70% of prostituted women have been sex trafficked? Prostitution legitimizes pedophilia and upholds sex slavery.

Yeah world wide maybe because there are many third world and second world countries, but not in the developed world. I'm pro legalizing prostitution, legalize it and regulate it. As long as it's underground and illegal it will remain dangerous for the women.


Suicidal men adore me.
Yeah world wide maybe because there are many third world and second world countries, but not in the developed world. I'm pro legalizing prostitution, legalize it and regulate it. As long as it's underground and illegal it will remain dangerous for the women.

Ugh prostitution is legal in Sweden and Germany and there are still women being trafficked. Sex trafficking in Europe still exists just check out the EUs own research, it's horrifying. So claiming it does not happen in the developed world is a lie.

I don't believe in criminalizing the women selling sex since that would put them at more risk. I believe in criminalizing the buyers. The Nordic model should be applied everywhere.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Ugh prostitution is legal in Sweden and Germany and there are still women being trafficked. Sex trafficking in Europe still exists just check out the EUs own research, it's horrifying. So claiming it does not happen in the developed world is a lie.

I don't believe in criminalizing the women selling sex since that would put them at more risk. I believe in criminalizing the buyers. The Nordic model should be applied everywhere.

Most women are trafficked from eastern Europe and most traffickers are eastern Europeans. Holland have legalized prostitution. The Dutch government decided to legalize it because its easier to protect them and take the criminal elements out of it.

I agree with that because it can be carefully regulated, encourages safe sex and provides another source of taxable revenue.

You're making a blanket ignorant statement. Why are prostitutes in Holand safer than prostitutes in USA and Brazil?


Suicidal men adore me.
Most women are trafficked from eastern Europe and most traffickers are eastern Europeans. Holland have legalized prostitution. The Dutch government decided to legalize it because its easier to protect them and take the criminal elements out of it.

I agree with that because it can be carefully regulated, encourages safe sex and provides another source of taxable revenue.

You're making a blanket ignorant statement. Why are prostitutes in Holand safer than prostitutes in USA and Brazil?

Prostitutes are not safe anywhere! There's an increased risk of getting raped, robbed and killed for prostitutes the only reform that seems to change that fact is the Swedish model where the buyers can be convicted. The criminalization of pimps and Johns is what makes prostitution 'safer" for women. Not legalizing the buying and selling of women.

With the Nordic model the woman, because let's face it the vast majority of prostitutes are either women or children, has a voice against the man, that one that is either selling or buying her.

Without the Nordic Model prostitutes often find themselves not being taken seriously when reporting a crime committed against them.

I get it, you're a man that's protecting his interests but there's so many more huge problems with prostitution than just sex trafficking.

Human trafficking in Germany have persisted even though they legalized it. Between 2010 and 2012 there were around 30 000 trafficked people in Europe, the majority of them were women and children and guess what 85% of female victims were trafficked for sexual reasons!

Organised criminals can now easily traffic women into countries like Germany and England where no authorities will more than likely try to track down who's trafficked or not thanks to the legalization.

There's nothing that indicates legalizing prostitution minimizes sex trafficking. The problem does not lay with prostituted women but with the demand. End the demand by adopting the Nordic model which France just did.

I will recommend that you actually listen to what ex prostituted women have to say. They often talk about the Nordic model and about how they were trafficked and the crime they faced.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Prostitutes are not safe anywhere! There's an increased risk of getting raped, robbed and killed for prostitutes the only reform that seems to change that fact is the Swedish model where the buyers can be convicted. The criminalization of pimps and Johns is what makes prostitution 'safer" for women. Not legalizing the buying and selling of women.

With the Nordic model the woman, because let's face it the vast majority of prostitutes are either women or children, has a voice against the man, that one that is either selling or buying her.

Without the Nordic Model prostitutes often find themselves not being taken seriously when reporting a crime committed against them.

I get it, you're a man that's protecting his interests but there's so many more huge problems with prostitution than just sex trafficking.

Human trafficking in Germany have persisted even though they legalized it. Between 2010 and 2012 there were around 30 000 trafficked people in Europe, the majority of them were women and children and guess what 85% of female victims were trafficked for sexual reasons!

Organised criminals can now easily traffic women into countries like Germany and England where no authorities will more than likely try to track down who's trafficked or not thanks to the legalization.

There's nothing that indicates legalizing prostitution minimizes sex trafficking. The problem does not lay with prostituted women but with the demand. End the demand by adopting the Nordic model which France just did.

I will recommend that you actually listen to what ex prostituted women have to say. They often talk about the Nordic model and about how they were trafficked and the crime they faced.

I don't use prostitutes so for you to suggest I'm "protecting my interests" is callous.

I stopped reading after that.


I don't agree with the commercialisation but I'm all for it if it's between friends or relatives because that cuts the risk of someone abandoning the baby for financial or other reasons. The most important person is the baby. But sometimes the surrogate has a change of heart and the law allows her to keep the baby and sometimes the would be mother has a change of heart if say for example they break up with their partner or the child is disabled. It's a thorny issue.
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