What's so bad about suicide?

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
There's no rational to be against suicide apart from knee-jerk emotional reactions and religious mumbo jumbo.

If John Doe wants to end his life it should be his fundamental human right to do so.


Perhaps in the case of severe terminal physical illness there's a case for it. However, those physically healthy but emotionally imbalanced people who do it don't have a good case for it and are making a big mistake.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Perhaps in the case of severe terminal physical illness there's a case for it. However, those physically healthy but emotionally imbalanced people who do it don't have a good case for it and are making a big mistake.

Do you support euthanasia?

Don't you live in Switzerland/Austria?


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Only in the case of severe physical illness. It shouldn't be available to emotionally imbalanced people (99% of suicides).

I'm a Swiss national, but lived most of my life in Germany.

At least attempting suicide by mentally imbalanced people shouldn't be illegal. Prosecuting people who attempted suicide but failed is preposterous.


At least attempting suicide by mentally imbalanced people shouldn't be illegal. Prosecuting people who attempted suicide but failed is preposterous.

Would you be for if the state gave everyone a lethal injection at 75 or 80 years old? LOL, but state pensions would increase by a lot.

Many European countries are greying rapidly.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Would you be for if the state gave everyone a lethal injection at 75 or 80 years old? LOL, but state pensions would increase by a lot.

Many European countries are greying rapidly.

Life expectancy in Western Europe is 81 anyway lol.

Indigenous Germans have a birthrate of 1.3 per woman. Their economy need immigrants because Germans dont have enough babies. Their leaders know this as well.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Did John Doe want to end his life? How typical it's obvious these atheists suffer from depression


It hinges on the mental psyche of the person and the challenging circumstances. If the person is balanced, sane, mature and rational, then the state shouldn't punish that person and perhaps help him/her. However, if the person is impulsive, irrational, young, we ought to at least try to coax the person not to end it, via the proper methods ( psychiatry, institutionalization).


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Did John Doe want to end his life? How typical it's obvious these atheists suffer from depression

You do realise plenty of Muslims suffer from depression? And instead of getting them proper help all you do is put them under quran saar and claim that "jinni baa galey"
Even from non religious view its still wrong. If a goat intentionally jumped from a clif something is diffently wrong with it. You all are worst then animals kkkk
There's no rational to be against suicide apart from knee-jerk emotional reactions and religious mumbo jumbo.
If John Doe wants to end his life it should be his fundamental human right to do so.

No you can't because your life is inalienable right. You can't give it away or be taken away from you.

I think smarter people tend to commit suicide. Have you seen an animal commit suicide? Heck no!
Suicide is horrible and we must do all we can to stop it but of course @Bielsa would make this topic lol. Trying to make atheists look bad. Atheists and seculars are the ones who fund telephone helplines and programs and services for those who are depressed. We are the ones who have strategies.

The believers do not. The believers only tell the depressed they will go to hell if they commit suicide and have no solutions or support systems. Believers don't care. They only put fear into those who are depressed.

The believers like @Bielsa are bad people.


You do realise plenty of Muslims suffer from depression? And instead of getting them proper help all you do is put them under quran saar and claim that "jinni baa galey"

A lot of muslims have hard a time understanding this.
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