What's so bad about suicide?

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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Quran Saar isn't just for jiinis though.

Sometimes modern medicine is not the only answer. Lithium and benzodiazepines can only do so much.

But I do recommend that Somalis don't bury their head in the sand and in general stop stigmatising mental health issues, which I think is the biggest problem.

@Bielsa do you mean assisted dying or a relatively healthy person commuting suicide? If it's the latter it's not respected as a choice because it's against human nature, everything about us is programmed to protect and value our life. Someone who goes out of their way to not has wires crossed in some way and are this not making a rational decision.
Suicide is an interestingly gray area in many fields. The act of taking ones life is a right that one has onto himself. But it also the right of society and ones loved ones to prolong and sustain ones life for as long as possible. The arguments on both sides are generally valid, but i would have to lean on the side of society and one's loved ones. The idea that pain and suffering are unending to push the narrative of allowing suicide is ludicrous. All forms of pain have a reciprocal relief that serves to cancel it out. The idea that a temporary problem, which all problems are, is to be solved with a radical and permanent solution[If you can call it that] is immensely foolish on the part of the person contemplating such an act. Suicide isn't a rational decision because it's cowardly and stems from fear in it's purest form. And emotions, as we all know, are the worst things to decide important decisions on. So suicide is ultimately an irrational decision due to this, and societies and loved ones have a right to oppose such an act on behalf of the person. Even against the person's will.
Ultimately this is what i think is correct as of now, but there's a great many things within suicide in which it's a tolerable act to some. So i won't say there are absolutely no times in which it isn't a viable path to a goal.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Even from non religious view its still wrong. If a goat intentionally jumped from a clif something is diffently wrong with it. You all are worst then animals kkkk

Animals are better than humans.


Every individual is a state investment. The state helps pay for your upbrining, education, transport and many more things in the person's life. Killing yourself due to some condition (emotional, mental) that can be rectified is a loss on the state and the people that know you.
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