What's the best thing a stranger has done for you

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Wallah. My next door neighbour left £10,000 in his will for my family when he passed away. My mother and father would take him to hospital appts when we found out he had aggressive cancer.

We was technically his only family. Never went to each other houses though. Just spoke To one another over the garden fence. About 16 years ago now.
Parents put food on my table and sent me to a decent school. I'd say that was pretty nice of them :axvmm9o:

Edit: Didn't see the stranger part. I guess it was this time an Arab man payed for my schoolbag when my hooyo left the cashier line for whatever reason. She later saw me outside the store, decked out with a fresh winnie the pooh travel bag and thought I stole it, kek
Wallah. My next door neighbour left £10,000 in his will for my family when he passed away. My mother and father would take him to hospital appts when we found out he had aggressive cancer.

We was technically his only family. Never went to each other houses though. Just spoke To one another over the garden fence. About 16 years ago now.
Your family are alright. Many Somali families are xenophobics with no decency nowadays and say 'wuu bakhtiyey' when their neighbour dies.


Your family are alright. Many Somali families are xenophobics with no decency nowadays and say 'wuu bakhtiyey' when their neighbour dies.

LOOL. 100%

Alhamdulilah, my parents are pro-intergration with all sorts of ethnicities. A lot of my family members have Married non Somalis.
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