What's the obsession with black people particularly black women?

I'm seriously contemplating deleting social media because how do black people manage to get dragged into conversations even when it has NOTHING to do with us? I started only going on muslim forums and even they use black people as their scapegoat calling black women aggressive etc
I recently came across this video where a group of asians claim that black women naturally have looser vaginas and although it came under scrutiny these POCs and podcast bros have really become way too comfortable with their racism using eugenics rhetoric even

Did you know that some racist IQ psudoescientist went around claiming that big dicks reflected lower intelligence. Some dweeb called Philppe Rushton went around asking people for their dicksize because he was convinced through a debunked appropiation of r/K selection theory, that smaller penises meant higher intelligence. The loser was did not understand that parental investment had nothing to do with dick size and that parental style reflects the economy type and challenges and the enviroment rather than "IQ" -- in fact, the reason why China is so high in population today is that they used to produce a lot of children in the past. If 4 out of 6 children die, you have to reproduce a lot to have some children grow up to be adults. Racism and penis envy had this guy walk around fixated on niggas dicks. Racism make people stupid.

By the way, why is this your first comment? Loose pumpum commentary really made you post here?


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Black people are the only race hated by the whole world and it’s out of jealousy. Ik some of y’all gon say “oH bLaCk pEoPle dUmB aNd pOOr” but we have a special aura that you can’t fake and can’t buy with money while the rest of the world are awkward they make people mainly girls uncomfortable and don’t understand shit about social skills while these things come naturally to most of us. Pu$$y makes the world go round and we are the richest group when it comes to that currency.

It’s the fact that most of us are naturally skilled in holding captivating conversations we are always the funniest in the room people in general but girls specifically always want to be our friends or sleep wit one of us and we dominate the media whether it’s tv shows/movies music modelling sports comedy or social media altogether.

We just have the aura the style and it pisses these other groups off to the point of hatred. Notice how the biggest racists are always the dudes that get absolutely no play and are incels that can’t even talk to a girl cashier without stuttering and getting flustered while on the other hand the dudes that are hip and cool with black people are the opposite? Sauce ain’t something you can fake ur either born with it or not.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Black people are the only race hated by the whole world and it’s out of jealousy. We have a special aura while the rest of the world are awkward they make people mainly girls uncomfortable and don’t understand shit about social skills while these things come naturally to most of us. Pu$$y makes the world go round and we are the richest group when it comes to that currency.

It’s the fact that most of us are naturally skilled in holding captivating conversations we are always the funniest in the room people in general but girls specifically always want to be our friends or sleep wit one of us and we dominate the media whether it’s tv shows/movies music modelling sports comedy or social media altogether.

We just have the aura the style and it pisses these other groups off to the point of hatred. Notice how the biggest racists are always the dudes that get absolutely no play and are incels that can’t even talk to a girl cashier without stuttering and getting flustered while on the other hand the dudes that are hip and cool with black people are the opposite? Sauce ain’t something you can fake ur either born with it or not.
It is definitely not out of jealousy


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
It is definitely not out of jealousy
It is pure jealousy no group gets copied more then black people rich ass mansion white kids go to great lengths to emulate their favourite rapper copying how they dress and talk they even act like they grew up poor in govt housing jus to be like us. Hell motherfuckers all the way in India or Thailand are spitting bars rappin trying to be like us.

Their women love our dark skin our physique our hair the way we talk our personalities and our unique features. This is a tale as old as time an outsider is taking your women and you feel threatened so you lash out on them because it’s you that is supposed to be reproducing with them. This primal urge is embedded in us to react this way since cavemen times. Only difference is they use propaganda and stats to attack us now instead of weapons.

c00ns like you that go against ur people are one of the ones that didn’t inherit the sauce you have the aura of a white man just awkward and no game at all that’s why you hate us cause you’re jealous just like the rest of the world. Keep sucking off the foreigners if you want but ur just a nerd ass nigha that hates himself to me.


Black people are the only race hated by the whole world and it’s out of jealousy. Ik some of y’all gon say “oH bLaCk pEoPle dUmB aNd pOOr” but we have a special aura that you can’t fake and can’t buy with money while the rest of the world are awkward they make people mainly girls uncomfortable and don’t understand shit about social skills while these things come naturally to most of us. Pu$$y makes the world go round and we are the richest group when it comes to that currency.

It’s the fact that most of us are naturally skilled in holding captivating conversations we are always the funniest in the room people in general but girls specifically always want to be our friends or sleep wit one of us and we dominate the media whether it’s tv shows/movies music modelling sports comedy or social media altogether.

We just have the aura the style and it pisses these other groups off to the point of hatred. Notice how the biggest racists are always the dudes that get absolutely no play and are incels that can’t even talk to a girl cashier without stuttering and getting flustered while on the other hand the dudes that are hip and cool with black people are the opposite? Sauce ain’t something you can fake ur either born with it or not.
and how is this helping you? are there any successful black countries or communities? do you have political power? do you have any ownership? madow men who brag about this are just as delusional as black women who call themselves the "blueprint".
Black people are the only race hated by the whole world and it’s out of jealousy. Ik some of y’all gon say “oH bLaCk pEoPle dUmB aNd pOOr” but we have a special aura that you can’t fake and can’t buy with money while the rest of the world are awkward they make people mainly girls uncomfortable and don’t understand shit about social skills while these things come naturally to most of us. Pu$$y makes the world go round and we are the richest group when it comes to that currency.

It’s the fact that most of us are naturally skilled in holding captivating conversations we are always the funniest in the room people in general but girls specifically always want to be our friends or sleep wit one of us and we dominate the media whether it’s tv shows/movies music modelling sports comedy or social media altogether.

We just have the aura the style and it pisses these other groups off to the point of hatred. Notice how the biggest racists are always the dudes that get absolutely no play and are incels that can’t even talk to a girl cashier without stuttering and getting flustered while on the other hand the dudes that are hip and cool with black people are the opposite? Sauce ain’t something you can fake ur either born with it or not.
You're one funny guy.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
and how is this helping you? are there any successful black countries or communities? do you have political power? do you have any ownership? madow men who brag about this are just as delusional as black women who call themselves the "blueprint".
Like I said as a people we are hated by the rest of the world they do what they can to keep us down it doesn’t help when we can’t even rely on each other and we got folks like you that agree with the foreigners and help push their narratives about us being subhumans.

As a people we aren’t doing good but there are groups that are doing worse than us so I say given the situation we could be doing a whole lot worse than we are.

Either way to answer your question I don’t look at or judge people as groups I only see individuals. I couldn’t give a shit about what group is richer overall I’m doing good for myself that gives me all the bragging rights I could possibly need. The only people that brag about and judge others for the accomplishments of their race or ethnicity are pathetic people that don’t got a damn thing to brag about by themselves.


Like I said as a people we are hated by the rest of the world they do what they can to keep us down it doesn’t help when we can’t even rely on each other and we got folks like you that agree with the foreigners and help push their narratives about us being subhumans.

As a people we aren’t doing good but there are groups that are doing worse than us so I say given the situation we could be doing a whole lot worse than we are.

Either way to answer your question I don’t look at or judge people as groups I only see individuals. I couldn’t give a shit about what group is richer overall I’m doing good for myself that gives me all the bragging rights I could possibly need. The only people that brag about and judge others for the accomplishments of their race or ethnicity are pathetic people that don’t got a damn thing to brag about by themselves.
so now we’re individuals, but earlier you were bragging that every other race is jealous of black men’s swag? this isn’t even your culture. ur a somali man from canada. what does african american culture have to do with you? It’s not yours.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
so now we’re individuals, but earlier you were bragging that every other race is jealous of black men’s swag? this isn’t even your culture. ur a somali man from canada. what does african american culture have to do with you? It’s not yours.
We are individuals that’s why I said most black men have the swag I never said all of us do otherwise there wouldn’t be sellout fucks like in this thread trying to refute me same way there are other folks from other races that are woke and don’t view people as a monolith those are the people that have some sauce in them.

Black culture is black culture and belongs to all black people. African American culture is a part of it the same way Jamaican or Nigerian and even Somali culture is part of it which makes one big pot of culture. I don’t have to be from America to get it I grew up in the most dangerous neighbourhood in my city straight gangland and not a pot to piss in. When the police would stop and frisk us or take us to the alley to beat on us instead of the Indians or asians or whites I wasn’t a Somali I was just a black man. Some of my best friends where black scotians that where brought to Canada just like African Americans as slaves so don’t try and tell me shit bout the culture I know dat shit from da back of my hand.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Black people are the only race hated by the whole world and it’s out of jealousy. Ik some of y’all gon say “oH bLaCk pEoPle dUmB aNd pOOr” but we have a special aura that you can’t fake and can’t buy with money while the rest of the world are awkward they make people mainly girls uncomfortable and don’t understand shit about social skills while these things come naturally to most of us. Pu$$y makes the world go round and we are the richest group when it comes to that currency.

It’s the fact that most of us are naturally skilled in holding captivating conversations we are always the funniest in the room people in general but girls specifically always want to be our friends or sleep wit one of us and we dominate the media whether it’s tv shows/movies music modelling sports comedy or social media altogether.

We just have the aura the style and it pisses these other groups off to the point of hatred. Notice how the biggest racists are always the dudes that get absolutely no play and are incels that can’t even talk to a girl cashier without stuttering and getting flustered while on the other hand the dudes that are hip and cool with black people are the opposite? Sauce ain’t something you can fake ur either born with it or not.




Got! 💯🚫🧢‼️😤😤🤑🤑


We are individuals that’s why I said most black men have the swag I never said all of us do otherwise there wouldn’t be sellout fucks like in this thread trying to refute me same way there are other folks from other races that are woke and don’t view people as a monolith those are the people that have some sauce in them.

Black culture is black culture and belongs to all black people. African American culture is a part of it the same way Jamaican or Nigerian and even Somali culture is part of it which makes one big pot of culture. I don’t have to be from America to get it I grew up in the most dangerous neighbourhood in my city straight gangland and not a pot to piss in. When the police would stop and frisk us or take us to the alley to beat on us instead of the Indians or asians or whites I wasn’t a Somali I was just a black man. Some of my best friends where black scotians that where brought to Canada just like African Americans as slaves so don’t try and tell me shit bout the culture I know dat shit from da back of my hand.
do you realise how offensive you’re being? you’re reducing someone else’s culture to the "ghetto experience" just because you grew up in poverty. plenty of somalis come from refugee backgrounds and face similar struggles, but that’s not considered our culture.

Garaad Awal

Former African
Black people are the only race hated by the whole world and it’s out of jealousy. Ik some of y’all gon say “oH bLaCk pEoPle dUmB aNd pOOr” but we have a special aura that you can’t fake and can’t buy with money while the rest of the world are awkward they make people mainly girls uncomfortable and don’t understand shit about social skills while these things come naturally to most of us. Pu$$y makes the world go round and we are the richest group when it comes to that currency.

It’s the fact that most of us are naturally skilled in holding captivating conversations we are always the funniest in the room people in general but girls specifically always want to be our friends or sleep wit one of us and we dominate the media whether it’s tv shows/movies music modelling sports comedy or social media altogether.

We just have the aura the style and it pisses these other groups off to the point of hatred. Notice how the biggest racists are always the dudes that get absolutely no play and are incels that can’t even talk to a girl cashier without stuttering and getting flustered while on the other hand the dudes that are hip and cool with black people are the opposite? Sauce ain’t something you can fake ur either born with it or not.
Black Africa is currently a shithole with the least amount of history. It has no glorious past, its present is shit and currently has no future.

Nobody cares about aura.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
do you realise how offensive you’re being? you’re reducing someone else’s culture to the "ghetto experience" just because you grew up in poverty. plenty of somalis come from refugee backgrounds and face similar struggles, but that’s not considered our culture.
You know what just f*ck off im done arguing with ur sellout ass. The struggle isn’t the culture but it’s a part of the culture the way we get discriminated and singled out for our skin everyday is a part of our life for a lot of us it made us the people we are. In neighborhoods like mine you’ll see black people everywhere and the culture thriving black shops businesses community centres and more it’s our home that’s why we glorify it.
Did you know that some racist IQ psudoescientist went around claiming that big dicks reflected lower intelligence. Some dweeb called Philppe Rushton went around asking people for their dicksize because he was convinced through a debunked appropiation of r/K selection theory, that smaller penises meant higher intelligence. The loser was did not understand that parental investment had nothing to do with dick size and that parental style reflects the economy type and challenges and the enviroment rather than "IQ" -- in fact, the reason why China is so high in population today is that they used to produce a lot of children in the past. If 4 out of 6 children die, you have to reproduce a lot to have some children grow up to be adults. Racism and penis envy had this guy walk around fixated on niggas dicks. Racism make people stupid.

By the way, why is this your first comment? Loose pumpum commentary really made you post here?
Noo wayy. Now tht is a small penis european jealous male 😂😂😂😂 people always focus on asians but yt boys are small and insecure. Thts why their first question to yt girls is "have u ever been with a black guy" heres shane gillis saying it lol
It is pure jealousy no group gets copied more then black people rich ass mansion white kids go to great lengths to emulate their favourite rapper copying how they dress and talk they even act like they grew up poor in govt housing jus to be like us. Hell motherfuckers all the way in India or Thailand are spitting bars rappin trying to be like us.

Their women love our dark skin our physique our hair the way we talk our personalities and our unique features. This is a tale as old as time an outsider is taking your women and you feel threatened so you lash out on them because it’s you that is supposed to be reproducing with them. This primal urge is embedded in us to react this way since cavemen times. Only difference is they use propaganda and stats to attack us now instead of weapons.

c00ns like you that go against ur people are one of the ones that didn’t inherit the sauce you have the aura of a white man just awkward and no game at all that’s why you hate us cause you’re jealous just like the rest of the world. Keep sucking off the foreigners if you want but ur just a nerd ass nigha that hates himself to me.
I 💯 percent agree with u. I used to think the other groups looked down on black people but how can u copy the same group u look down on?? Thts not how it works. All the way to no english speaking South korea they copy black americans and their entire music is based on it. All over the world the talk and act like them. Even people who talk shit about black lives matter....guess wht they copy it and put their country on it lol "mexican lives matter" and so many others. The problem is since we dont have power people act like envy cant happen.
Black people are the only race hated by the whole world and it’s out of jealousy. Ik some of y’all gon say “oH bLaCk pEoPle dUmB aNd pOOr” but we have a special aura that you can’t fake and can’t buy with money while the rest of the world are awkward they make people mainly girls uncomfortable and don’t understand shit about social skills while these things come naturally to most of us. Pu$$y makes the world go round and we are the richest group when it comes to that currency.

It’s the fact that most of us are naturally skilled in holding captivating conversations we are always the funniest in the room people in general but girls specifically always want to be our friends or sleep wit one of us and we dominate the media whether it’s tv shows/movies music modelling sports comedy or social media altogether.

We just have the aura the style and it pisses these other groups off to the point of hatred. Notice how the biggest racists are always the dudes that get absolutely no play and are incels that can’t even talk to a girl cashier without stuttering and getting flustered while on the other hand the dudes that are hip and cool with black people are the opposite? Sauce ain’t something you can fake ur either born with it or not.
This is straight copium bro, no one hates black ppl because they're jealous they hate us because they aren't good ppl period. We should stop downplaying and reducing their hatred to just "they're broke and jealous of us" it's such a childish and narrow world view

