What's the obsession with black people particularly black women?

Garaad Awal

Former African
This nacas said brush up on my history. There is no black community you identity-less metro housing baby. The only black community indigenous to this country are Black Nova Scotians. They are the only Black Canadian community and number in the few hundred souls (non-existent and heavily admixed with white). They got nothing to do with you or @empressjamila stop begging it.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
This nacas said brush up on my history. There is no black community you identity-less metro housing baby. The only black community indigenous to this country are Black Nova Scotians. They are the only Black Canadian community and number in the few hundred souls (non-existent and heavily admixed with white). They got nothing to do with you or @empressjamila stop begging it.
A lot more of them than a few hundred 28k to be exact doesn’t sound like a lot but our country has a pretty small population for context there are 50k Somalis give or take and we got a pretty big influence in the country. Ur just taking out of ur ass saying mixed with white u never been to Scotia while I have Halifax to be exact these people look exactly like AAs there are a few that are super lightskinned but that’s to be expected. Don’t come to me tryna school me on shit ur using the internet for ik these people in real life they got a little community in Toronto my neighborhood had a couple families from Scotia foh u silver spoon goofkid.
I'm seriously contemplating deleting social media because how do black people manage to get dragged into conversations even when it has NOTHING to do with us? I started only going on muslim forums and even they use black people as their scapegoat calling black women aggressive etc
I recently came across this video where a group of asians claim that black women naturally have looser vaginas and although it came under scrutiny these POCs and podcast bros have really become way too comfortable with their racism using eugenics rhetoric even

black people get dragged into everything because people are overfamiliar with us plus when non blacks hate themselves they use other people as punching bags aka black people but i find it so funny because they are so bothere by our skin,lives and features. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM NOT US.
Ur not completely wrong it’s true they hate us because they’re bad people but it’s more to it than just that no one hates someone just because they’re a bad person there’s always a reason for their hate. Whether it be some black dude wronged them sometime in their life or just plain old jealousy cause we are the most desired group of men there is always a reason.

Brush up on ur history Canada and America was one big colony back in the days British America. Slaves were brought to Canada the same way they were brought to America and there was also some that fled to Canada once slavery was abolished there. Go to Nova Scotia there are large groups of Black Canadians living there for generations.

British folk in general are race obsessed the people over here are much more liberal and accepting of multiculturalism. Immigrants here tend to stick together and help each other especially black people other blacks have been nicer to me than any other race it’s a shame when gaalo madows show me more respect than fellow muslims.

It’s not always jealousy but usually that is the case my guy if you don’t believe me then go bag urself some ajnabi ting then talk to her father tell him you’re dating his daughter and ur in love with her. If you’re lucky he’ll act cool to ur face then tell that bytch to cut ur ass off the second ur out the door. Extra points if u try this with a fellow Muslim of a different complexion all that Islamic brotherhood shyt goes out the window dude won’t give a fukk if ur a Hafiz. Proceed with caution tho I can’t be held liable if ur ass takes a bat to the face :heh:
Why would any Somali go asking for ajnabi when they can marry a beautiful Somali woman?
Exactly my answer too plus its a coping mechanism to say they hate us because theyre jealous of our swag, when slavery or lynchings happen white people werent saying were killing him cos of duke dennis aura people just hate
That is not our history, trauma or problem brother. We are Somalis, understand who you are.
Their culture is "Appreciated" but Not Respected. It’s commodified, not truly valued. It generates wealth for others, not the people who create it. It reinforces negative stereotypes, poverty, crime, hyper-consumerism.

True cultural power comes from economic and intellectual influence, not just entertainment.

Japan, China, and Germany are respected because they control their industries, not because of pop culture. If a culture is controlled by outsiders, it becomes a tool for exploitation rather than empowerment.

Modern Black American culture is actually is just them seeking comfort in poverty and lack of education, that comes from the ghetto's that white people drove them into. You can see it in the way they speak Ebonics, it really isn't a cultural vernacular it's just lack of education bringing down their speech, no different from the uneducated rural rednecks in the south. Then you can also look at the sports that dominate like Basketball instead of Tennis or Golf for example which shows low income vs middle-high income sports because the financial entry bar requirements are too high for them.

The hyper consumerism or "swag" comes from them trying surround themselves with symbols of wealth and validation that they feel to have been deprived off. They end up buying stuff but rarely owning or producing anything so wealth keeps escaping.

They also embrace the hyper-criminalization and sexualisation and re-package it as something hip or cool. When they are in reality mass exploited and denied humanity in the process. Both actual generates big revenues for industries controlled by white people, even for-profit jails. It makes them seen as both threatening and alluring by the wider society.
Isha ka tuurtay! If they co-operate & practise a little group economics they could end up in a far better situation tbh, their spending power is 1 trillion usd
Black people are the only race hated by the whole world and it’s out of jealousy. Ik some of y’all gon say “oH bLaCk pEoPle dUmB aNd pOOr” but we have a special aura that you can’t fake


Are we not black?
American has a different definition of black
Black in american english means descended from the people brought to continent via transatlantic slave trade, their culture got chucked in the bin so they made their own culture. People from africa im pretty sure they call them african or their specific ethnic group. UK doesn't have that problem because all the black people here have a specific origin i.e. nigerian, ghanaian, jamaican, somali etc.


Shaqo la'an ba kuu heysaata
American has a different definition of black
Black in american english means descended from the people brought to continent via transatlantic slave trade, their culture got chucked in the bin so they made their own culture. People from africa im pretty sure they call them african or their specific ethnic group. UK doesn't have that problem because all the black people here have a specific origin i.e. nigerian, ghanaian, jamaican, somali etc.
Yeah but I think black american culture is different from being black itself. I don't think we'd be allowed in the white section in 1955 because we're somali lmao

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
Yeah but I think black american culture is different from being black itself. I don't think we'd be allowed in the white section in 1955 because we're somali lmao
Not in the south in Washington DC African diplomats were not allowed to use hotels for whites

Mexicans were considered white so they did not face such discrimination


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