What's your profession?

But some of these dogs are bad asf. This fucker is evil and I honestly believe this one dog is possessed by Jinn. He’s a Welsh Terrier named Watson. Watson will talk back and try to bite you if you tell him no. He’s such a psychopath that most of the other dogs hate him


East Africa UNUKA LEH
High Senior turned Ivy league student
(I’m still in summer vacation)
(yes that’s half of my personality)



F*ck Your Feelings
Will you be attending or watching it?
Watch of course. It honestly is a skill, how many people can dance on a pole or hang upside down and all the other moves they do? You need a lot of upper body strength and coordination. It's ballerinas on a pole. You guys see half naked women, I see a really talented person.


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
Watch of course. It honestly is a skill, how many people can dance on a pole or hang upside down and all the other moves they do? You need a lot of upper body strength and coordination. It's ballerinas on a pole. You guys see half naked women, I see a really talented person.
Anyone with decent coordination and a few months of bodyweight exercises could do that. That ain't talent.

Although honestly your average person is so unhealthy that I guess it is
That looks like a small dog.. I notice some small dogs are very aggressive.
Yeah, because a lot of small dogs are hunting dogs . Jack Russell Terriers are some of best hunting dogs for vermin. Dachshunds have that weird body shape to be able to navigate tunnels and kill badgers. People underestimate a small dog’s bite, but they can take off one of your fingers.