What I would do is show them a clip of the western cities and show them a clip of Gedo and say this how some parts of your country live like. If that doesn't cause them to wake up, I don't know what will.
I would qashin you filthy pig.So first,
A little of capitalism, xenophobia, but also traditional values (Clans and Tribes are important since they are apart of our Identity). But a radical religion will continue to lead Somalia into Hell.
- No more radical islam back home, backed by the Arabs
- Fund local business
- Promoting education for women because better educated women -> highly chances of a better generation and better families
- Promoting Somaliness. We are not Arabs and neither Bantus.
- Promoting Capitalism. Socialism has destroyed our economy and country.
- No more Tribes and Clans who support Al-Shabab or tolerate them.
- Women should have rights.
- Minorities should rights.
- But the majority of Somalis should be prioritized.
- Religion and State should be separated.
- Somalia should side with the Westerners in regards to the Chinese. The Chinese owe Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya. But they don't owe Somalia. We can side with their rivals, the Americans and Europeans. We could get a lot.
- Somalia should recognise and normalise its relation with the Jewish State of Israel.
- And also, we should stop following like sheeps the Arabs! They are nothing to us, they are in fact hateful people toward us and our brothers in Africa.
What I would do is show them a clip of the western cities and show them a clip of Gedo and say this how some parts of your country live like. If that doesn't cause them to wake up, I don't know what will.