Whats your views on Qabiil?

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As i see it clans are just social units, not actual lineages,cults or ideology/mentality that many somalis tend to potray it as.
Thats why i think there should be a redefintion of what Somali clans really are, for it to mesh up with our reality.

Alot of people seem to fall into the trap of european linguistical constructs such as ''ethnictiy and ''tribe''.
For instance Somalis are more than 15 million strong that is not a tribe- that is a nation. The label tribe only seems to apply to non-European ethnic groups. And comes with a notion of backwardness and non-modern values.

Also ethnic when used as ''exotic'' is also incorrect beause it normalizes European culture, placing all other cultures on the outside of this ''standard human culture.''
Hence why you will see how people will bend perception of reality with newly created term like ''Qabilyaad'' or ''Tribalism'' Both are very loaded foreign words, that are rarely ever scrutinized. Since both terms are very derogatory and very misleading on many accounts.

''Qabil'' is an arabic word which means ''Tribe'' , here is where you can see how this is incorrect when you import an errorneous foreign word to explain the somali social structure. Because Somalis do not have tribes nor is the Somali nation a tribe itself.

Have in mind that ''Qabil'' should never be a substitute loan word for the words that already exist in correct definition in the Somali language such as ''qoys''(nuclear family) ''reer'' (closest relatives), jilib (first diya group) ''Laaf'' (sub clan) , ''qolo'' (clan).

These are all Somali constructed terms that articulate the reality of our clan dynamics and social structure, such words as ''tribe'' and ''qabil'' do not, but it rather explains the reality of arabs and europeans and carry with them ulterior connotations and perceptions.

Misidentitfying ''Clan'' is detrimental to Somalis
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Furthermore i don't see the logic of how becoming anti-clan will make you anymore Somali or Muslim. Clan is an equal identity construction to nation or race. Denying clan is not part of the process of peace, regardless of how much horrors have been caused in the name of clan. No more so than ignoring a malignant tumor is good cure for cancer.

The idea that the reason why humans tend to become chauvanistic is because of certain identity constructs is absurd. By that logic you might as well invalidate the identity construct of ''Age'' while your at it, since people for long always look down on others due to age. Lots of examples on this forum alone of attacks on elders or teenagers being stupid & inferior by members here simply because of age. Humans will always use different identity constructs as agents to perpetuate something that falls outside of what it was innitially constructed for.

Identity constructs wether it will be clan,nation,race,age,gender etc have always been created under a root basis in logic and development, not for the sake of being hostile or superior. To simply cast blame on them due to human error is a fallacy.

So the only way is to understand, tolerate and celebrate our differences, since they will always exist.
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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
For me the main problems with clan especially nowadays is that somalis want political representation based on their clan and with the sheer numbers of somali clans and qabils breaking off its just not possible for eveyrone to get their fair representation. Somalis need something else other than Qabil as far as politics.
For me the main problems with clan especially nowadays is that somalis want political representation based on their clan and with the sheer numbers of somali clans and qabils breaking off its just not possible for eveyrone to get their fair representation. Somalis need something else other than Qabil as far as politics.

Definetely that is why i posted this thread a while ago remember Elder in Bosaso: ''Our system should be tailor fit for us and our society''

What was suggest was to seperate clan from politics and give it its own institution ,that way it wont be used as an agent. Clan issues can be delt with alot easier and in a more formal way.
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