What's your work out routine?

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I do donkey kicks about 60 on each leg.
100 crunches.
200 squats
60 second plank
100 Bicycle ab exercise

I do this routine 4 or 5 times a week.

And I also do yoga 3 times a week,

What's your exercise routine?

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
monday tris and bis wednesday chest and back friday shoulders

saturday morning beer league hockey

its hard staying consitent tho
monday tris and bis wednesday chest and back friday shoulders

saturday morning beer league hockey

hockey kulaha KKKKKKKKKKK bruh those white boys over at ur school taking the respek outta your name.

@Realwarya sum true shit sxb its so hard being consistent with life and shit. I been really inconsistent with my workouts since grade 10, but I've started again 2 weeks ago after going almost 7 months of not doing shit. For my workout I do Push/Pull/Legs 3 days then one day rest and then repeat Push/Pull/Legs for another 3 days.


3x5 Barbell (or dumbbell, depending on my mood) Bench press
3x5 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
3x5 Dumbbell shoulder press
3x10 Tricep pushdown with either the rope or that V bar thingy. I prefer the V bar thingy, seems like I get more contraction from it.
3x8-10 Skullcrushers (probably my least favourite exercise)
3xhowever many/until failure Wide Grip dips.


Hop in the gym and do 3 sets of pull-ups till failure
3x5 Barbell Rows
3x10 Spider Curls (my favourite lift)
3x10 Seated Rows
3x10 Reverse Standing Curls
3x10 Lat Pull down
3x8-10 Face Pulls


3x5 Squats
3x5 Deadlifts (hate these so much)
3x10 Hamstring curls
3x10 Calf raises


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
I would love to hit the gym but I know I quit real fast because of laziness. How do you make your self motivated to carry on?
I would love to hit the gym but I know I quit real fast because of laziness. How do you make your self motivated to carry on?

Finding that motivation within you is probably the hardest thing about going to the gym. Motivation = consistency. Everyone has their own motivations. Some guys do it for girls, other guys do it to get better in a sport and others do it because they enjoy it. You haven't been at it for long enough. Give it 2-3 months of solid effort and you'll see good results. Noob gains are a real thing. Once you see the results that should be good enough motivation. At least it was for me. I grew up playing MMORPGs as a kid. I see my body as a character and the gym allows me to level up and become stronger. I learned from those games that long hours of grinding = success. I apply that to the gym. I know results don't come overnight, it takes a long ass time to see real earnest results.
I work all 7 days of the week and go to school all the weekdays which means I go to the gym at night. Usually around 10:30 pm for an hour.
I do the following:
Thursday night:
Chest Bench press, incline bench press, flys, and chin ups
Friday night
legs squats(variations of it), lunges, seated calve raises and standing calve raises
saturday night bices and triceps
sunday night shoulders and back.

After 5 months at the gym I went from skinny fat at around 190lbs to about 196lbs with my belly almost gone and the two top abs appearing. I also see a bit of progress on my arms but my legs have been very stubborn.


Pick up donut, put it in my mouth. Then I chew it and swallow it after sufficient mastication. I do this a few times a week.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I jogged now and then. It depends on how early I get up in the morning and if I am not late from work.


. . .
Squatttttttttt and weight training every now and then. I'm blessed with a great body alhamdulilah so don't need to work out much. :deargod:


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Squatttttttttt and weight training every now and then. I'm blessed with a great body alhamdulilah so don't need to work out much. :deargod:
I never worked out in high school and college. I've seen most of my friends who I went to college with and they all blew up. I got panicked and started doing squats. I've seen a friend who weighted in college years 102 lbs, she's almost 200 lbs now, she had a baby last year. I got panicked and started working out.:kendrickcry:
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