When a hottie sits next to you

This is true you know. My last flight from Mogadishu to Dubai, there was a uncle next to me and an aussie xalimo next to him. I still remember the tension. By the time the plane landed in my head we were married with kids.

Chun Li

under construction 😈💖
This is true you know. My last flight from Mogadishu to Dubai, there was a uncle next to me and an aussie xalimo next to him. I still remember the tension. By the time the plane landed in my head we were married with kids.

Damn, so the adeer was a cock block :hemad:
Damn, so the adeer was a cock block :hemad:
He started the convo with her then brought me in, top wing man. But after few minutes my anxiety kicked in so I watched a film on mute while listening to them and taking notes.

He started the convo with her then brought me in, top wing man. But after few minutes my anxiety kicked in so I watched a film on mute while listening to them and taking notes.

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man guys like this miss alot of opportunity for the pussy

Girls would give certain men indications they want you to put it inside them yet guys are to shy lol

I once was coming back from a business trip in dubai to london and this young halimo was next to me kept looking at me we gave each other that look of approval then i moved in and started a simple convo thats all it takes most times you just need to be normal when you talk lots of people are socially incapable needless to say i got her number and the rest was history