When a leftist xalimo doesn’t understand she is the west Courtesy of cadaans


My family are originally Northerners lol so I have no problem with cadcad or other ethnic “minorities.” Let them have the shidh. Most Somalis migrated to the capital because everything was centralized there.
I have no problem with them either. Just stating facts.

Most of them left Somalia on the onset of the civil war.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Somalis bombed each other to smithereens, expelled citizens from their homes, looted, stole food rations and effectively started a man made famine and destroyed their own country.

The biggest sign of colonialism is speaking the language. How many regular Somalis speak Italian and English?
Bingo, Somalis were actually more civilized under colonialists albeit forced to be, we went ape pnly 30 years after they left.

We are responsible for our nation's destruction nobody else. I for one am glad I was given the opportunity to live in Canada. You guys dont know how lucky you are as many are dying to be in our place via tahriib

We should remain neutral and not be Uncle Tom to cadaans and retain our dhaqan but we shouldnt be ungrateful!


National socialist
It’s been 43 years since that war and it’s still under Ethiopian rule. He didn’t do it for noble reasons, he was worried about his grip on power. It worked out in a messed up way because Somali Galbeed wasn’t effected by the war as it wasn’t part of Somalia and the first refugees escaped there. Again, nothing to do with colonialism, everything to do with Somalis destroying each other and ruining their own country.
You stink of bias and qabyaalad you want to tell me that MSB went to war in 1977 at the peak of his powers with the whole of Somalia behind him? If this was a ploy to keep power he would of done it at a time actually had to face pressure. In hindsight I think it was not the right time to go to war but a war was inevitable and I don't doubt the cause. It would be much more logical if you said MSB went to war for his clan that's a more believable theory


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