From my travels in Mudug/Bari/Wooqoyi Bari you guys will be horrified at the kind of non government related corruption, fisq and the level of shirk & polytheism that takes place.
I have seen herders with over 12000 livestock refusing to pay not only Zakah but mocking the poor at the same time, his own kin is starving to death and he wouldn't even give a single goat to help but ready to sacrifice hundred for a dead man in a grave.
The bulk of the people are Suufi's that sacrifice the little food they have to take to the dead in the graves, zinah is rampant, it's far worse then here, it's very common in every region that at night groups of 50/60 youths will go the beach and have orgies there.
All the locals know this, I seen this in several places and was told it was rampant up and down the country, no one even speaks out against it, the closest I have seen someone speak out against it was this sheikh from P/land but again he was blaming Oromos for this.
Magic and spell casting is just widespread (much of it introduced by the oromos), no one speaks out against it, a nation is not punished for the evils they do, but when the good people amongst them don't speak out against it, that's when punishment comes.
How do such people every attain any kind of success? sometimes punishment like this is necessary to bring about a large change, it's like the dude that was on his death bed, prayed, was saved and now changed his life as a result, that's what's taking place in Somalia right now, lot's of filth are being removed.
Imam Ibn hutu making takfir on MJs again.