When did you grow out of Jew conspiracies?

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You know, the "joos are controlling the UN and want to wipe out [insert race]"

I grew out of those at 14:ftw9nwa:

I have a 3 digit IQ sxb, I have to live up to it


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
They for real controlling hip hop but that's it :damedamn:

But to be honest I never once bought into that malarkey.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I analyse conspiracy theories on a case by case basis. If one's good then I look into it. If I don't find a flaw then I tell a friend then he checks it out. If we both think its checked out then I will believe it.


Prediction: Trump will appoint ANOTHER Ashkenazi Jew as the Federal Reserve Chair.

They have been in this position since the 1980s. Not a coincidence. Anybody who knows Econ 101 knows that the Fed Chair position is the most powerful in the world. Even more powerful than the US president.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Prediction: Trump will appoint ANOTHER Ashkenazi Jew as the Federal Reserve Chair.

They have been in this position since the 1980s. Not a coincidence. Anybody who knows Econ 101 knows that the Fed Chair position is the most powerful in the world. Even more powerful than the US president.

It decides who will rise and fall. They could take out Trump just like that.


It decides who will rise and fall. They could take out Trump just like that.

They tip off each other when a bust is coming or when things are about to boom. Insider trading within the Jew tribe.

I bet Israel is so rich because of all the financial insider info they get from American Ashkenazi Jews.
Can't remember... The whole 'jews r the cause of all evil in the world' thing got boring after a while and just plain silly. The final straw must've been when someone told me not to buy x products because it's made by the yahodi and they're using the revenue to fund genocide in Palestine lmao

It's dumb, you lot only hate jews because your arab masters told you to
The Europhile brain parasite is one hell off a condition, it clouds everything, your rational, judgement and clear thinking, nothing is safe.


Can't remember... The whole 'jews r the cause of all evil in the world' thing got boring after a while and just plain silly. The final straw must've been when someone told me not to buy x products because it's made by the yahodi and they're using the revenue to fund genocide in Palestine lmao

It's dumb, you lot only hate jews because your arab masters told you to

Wall street is saturated with Jews. This is not a coincidence.
Even if thats true correlation does not necessarily equal causation. Jews have been bred for money telling by natural selection since interest at the time was very looked down on by Christian Europeans. To assume that the disproportionate number of Jews involved in finance proves they're engaging in a Zionist conspiracy through manipulation of capitalism is to ignore the historic role of Jews in banking due to the Christian prohibition against usury




Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Jews should embrace the fact that they run the world's financial institutions. I've never understood why they get offended by the idea that they do. White people (the crazy ones) always bang on about meritocracy and say the most intelligent and hard working people will rise up the ladder, but cry like es when Jews are on top of that ladders.

They use meritocracy to bash AAs for their failings but accuse Jews of being overrepresented in the financial industry.


Jews should embrace the fact that they run the world's financial institutions. I've never understood why they get offended by the idea that they do. White people (the crazy ones) always bang on about meritocracy and say the most intelligent and hard working people will rise up the ladder, but cry like es when Jews are on top of that ladders.

They use meritocracy to bash AAs for their failings but accuse Jews of being overrepresented in the financial industry.

It's not a meritocracy. There's some old boys' club shit going on behind the scenes. They hire token goys here and there, but the top positions remain reserved for the chosen people only.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
I am happy Jews control the world currently! They deserve it!! They were slaves for a long time. So it should be their turn. Everyone had a chance.
Africa: Egypt, Nubia, Punt, Axum, Mali, Ashante, Carthage, Ancient Noc civilization etc.
Asian/Indian: Ancient India and China were also powerhouses of the ancient world
Europe: Greeks, Romans, Portuguese, British
Arabs/Turks/Iran: Mesopotamia, Babylon, Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, Sabean civilization, Persia, Ummayad, Ottoman etc.
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