When did you grow out of Jew conspiracies?

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@Amun are you seeing this thread? The Jews have compromised Somalis too. :siilaanyolaugh:
@AbdiJohnson when are you flying out to the settled land to tend the vineyards of the chosen ones?
You know, the "joos are controlling the UN and want to wipe out [insert race]"

I grew out of those at 14:ftw9nwa:

I have a 3 digit IQ sxb, I have to live up to it
I'm definitely in opposition to Israel's oppression of a people less powerful than themselves. Jews also have a disporportionate influence on global affairs compared to their size. There are probably more Somalis on Earth than jews (google it) and yet they are seemingly everywhere with their fingers in all the pies. If anything we need to emulate them and start our own global conspiracy to subvert and control everything, we're already well placed :sass2:
I never believed in these ridiculous "Jews are evil" conspiracy theories in the first place. If anything, Jews are nothing more than a minority ethnic-religious group who want to carve out their existence in a world hostile to them.

Somalis who subscribe to an anti-Jewish mentality are brainwashed by their Arab superiors to hate on them without reason. Sit down and actually talk to a Jew, they're no different from anyone else and wallahi I'm actually embarrassed that I have to say this to our people.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Zionist are trash who believe all humanity except them are cattle goyim merely there to serve them.
Jews should embrace the fact that they run the world's financial institutions. I've never understood why they get offended by the idea that they do. White people (the crazy ones) always bang on about meritocracy and say the most intelligent and hard working people will rise up the ladder, but cry like es when Jews are on top of that ladders.

They use meritocracy to bash AAs for their failings but accuse Jews of being overrepresented in the financial industry.
I don't know, but i guess many people think western banking is sinister due to interest, which has create so much poverty etc. That's why the jews don't want to associate themselves with banking even though stats disagree with them & their history of extensively working in the banking history. They'll scream "anti-semitism" if you associate them with banking.
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