When does the Gender-War end?


Waa anaga orodneey, nabad doonaney
I don't know sxb, cadaans, indoyars and yaduhis are at the top of the socioeconomic food-chain and they're the most ravenous when it comes to the man/woman bashing gender war bollocks.

You're wrong bro, cadaan people don't hate each other. A lot of white people are strange, but in the end white people f*ck with each other. Somalis are exceptional at it along side other black communities. It's normal. Every Muslim community does it too, but it's way more venomous with Somalis.


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
You're wrong bro, cadaan people don't hate each other. A lot of white people are strange, but in the end white people f*ck with each other. Somalis are exceptional at it along side other black communities. It's normal. Every Muslim community does it too, but it's way more venomous with Somalis.
Have you not seen Twitter? All race men or women. Those 0 and 1 people. Gay and lesbian. All fighting each other
If you check old Somali forums from 20 + years ago it was the same stuff

You're wrong bro, cadaan people don't hate each other. A lot of white people are strange, but in the end white people f*ck with each other. Somalis are exceptional at it along side other black communities. It's normal. Every Muslim community does it too, but it's way more venomous with Somalis.

Well, have you seen the desi, Algerian, Turkish and other Muslim communities lately? The things I've seen are just as petty as ours if not worse. It would be more surprising if Somalis didn't engage in it seeing as everyone else is. There's this general trend of dysfunction when it comes to everything nowadays from relationships to politics.

Also, Indian/Asian men routinely average higher incomes than anyone in the west yet look how they're faring with their counterparts, and if white men and women are doing so well it wouldn't explain their plummeting birth/marriage rates, as well as this whole MGTOW movement. Like you said, it's a symptom of a much larger issue at play.


Waa anaga orodneey, nabad doonaney
Well, have you seen the desi, Algerian, Turkish and other Muslim communities lately? The things I've seen are just as petty as ours if not worse. It would be more surprising if Somalis didn't engage in it seeing as everyone else is. There's this general trend of dysfunction when it comes to everything nowadays from relationships to politics.

Also, Indian/Asian men routinely average higher incomes than anyone in the west yet look how they're faring with their counterparts, and if white men and women are doing so well it wouldn't explain their plummeting birth/marriage rates, as well as this whole MGTOW movement. Like you said, it's a symptom of a much larger issue at play.

I'm familiar with what is happening in other communities. North Africans also have it bad, but that is because they're most similar to us. We are only slightly worse off than them. If you notice the trend, it is always a clash between cultures that splits almost entirely among gender lines. Some of it is about legitimate grievances with their culture of origin, others is pure progressivist spiel with a lack of understanding. Again, it's present in every minority group from Latinos to Hindus at varying levels based on how conservative their culture of origin is, and how well they're faring economically.

None of the groups you mention have a rift as big as Somalis because we're in the worst spot if you factor both metrics in. Somali women are more progressive than the average Muslim woman, and Somali men are on average in a lower income bracket compared to other Muslim men.

White people's birth rates are plummeting for wildly different reasons. For the same reason birth rates in Japan took a nose dive. It's the shift in culture and economic dynamics. Despite what is presented, white women marry within their race at a higher rate than most minority groups. With white people the split is also among ideological lines, not necessarily along gender lines.
Our culture and our upbringing is at fault here. What is driving our gender wars is separation at a young age. Somalis start separating by gender at the age of 12 dugsi school etc. Nothing wrong with no free mixing. However such separation at a young age is not good. We must interact with the opposite gender. I think lot of somalis don’t interact with their opposite gender somali neighbours. Interacting with each other lessens tensions and helps us to meet. It is normal that people gravitate towards same gender spaces however not interacting with opposite gender outside of your family is a recipe for disaster.
Our culture and our upbringing is at fault here. What is driving our gender wars is separation at a young age. Somalis start separating by gender at the age of 12 dugsi school etc. Nothing wrong with no free mixing. However such separation at a young age is not good. We must interact with the opposite gender. I think lot of somalis don’t interact with their opposite gender somali neighbours. Interacting with each other lessens tensions and helps us to meet. It is normal that people gravitate towards same gender spaces however not interacting with opposite gender outside of your family is a recipe for disaster.

Masjids and somali organizations should held meetups where the opposite gender meets. Better to start from a young age. If you look at the older generation ( our parents and older) they interact with each other with ease.
It's never ending. :pacspit::camby:

AUN to all the Mujaahid Faraxs who died on the front lines protecting #GeeljireDignity from the Xalimo siege.

:meleshame: The fallen will be avenged.