When we hit our peak?

Hmmmm, according to 'science', the average spotter, whilst able to quickly process ideas, with some critical thinking aptitude, has not yet reached the 'intelligence' and facts accumulation stage, let alone creative thinking. Makes one wonder as to the typical topic(s) under discussion, does not it?


[Not all thinking skills peak at the same age, says Hartshorne. Processing speed (the ability to think quickly and remember information such as names), for example, peaks around age 18, according to information from standardized IQs and internet tests].

[ Creativity peaks occur either very early in our careers or later, depending on how we think. Our ability to quickly absorb facts peaks in our late teens, while our vocabulary skills peak when we reach our 60s.

Economists, sports scientists, and psychologists have analyzed Olympic performances and chess matches, as well as thousands of online quizzes;They’ve done these analyzes to determine the average age at which people peak mentally and physically; our bodies work and whether there are lessons on how to strengthen each of them.]



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Somalis never recorded their birth dates until recently. The only thing they were keen on is birth order. And important life transitions/landmarks. A woman would be lucky if she lived past menopause. And Somali women would have kids without issues until the end of their reproductive life cycles. Hyper fixation with age is quite fascinating now that they live in more time conscious societies.

How you age varies and depends on genetics and lifestyle factors. I look 10-15 years younger than my chronological age. My parents are the same. I'm also generally quite health conscious. More than average. How you treat yourself while young will impact you moving forward.

Also most financial success comes in your 40s and 50s. However people prefer to focus on younger outliers.
The ideal age for reproduction is early 20s. This is when the probability of having birth defects in the kid or having pregnancy associated diseases is the lowest. I think that's the main factor to consider when talking about physically peaking.
Somalis never recorded their birth dates until recently. The only thing they were keen on is birth order. And important life transitions/landmarks. A woman would be lucky if she lived past menopause. And Somali women would have kids without issues until the end of their reproductive life cycles. Hyper fixation with age is quite fascinating now that they live in more time conscious societies.

How you age varies and depends on genetics and lifestyle factors. I look 10-15 years younger than my chronological age. My parents are the same. I'm also generally quite health conscious. More than average. How you treat yourself while young will impact you moving forward.

Also most financial success comes in your 40s and 50s. However people prefer to focus on younger outliers.
Valid points, yet allow me add some meat to the bones for the study to bear relevance in that there are two tracks:
a) The self, cerebration being represented by innate competency:
i) Here, the focus is how one processes ideas, in one's critical thinking, intelligence, retention of facts, growth in wisdom, and creativity. For instance,
  • From year 0 - 20, one develops aptitude to process ideas whereas from
  • Age 20 - 40, one's critical thinking advances reaching its potential; further, from
  • Age 40 - 60, one's intellect grows in leaps whereas,
  • One's ingenuity, and creativity is fully being realised from age 60 onwards.

b) Physiology, represented by the physical aspects, athleticism, and talent:
i) Here, on the physical form from:​
  • Age 0 - 30 one excels, of course not all, in high impact sports whereas,
  • Age 30 - 50, one is at one's prime in endurance sports viz. weight lifting, mountain climbing etc., and from
  • Age 50 onwards, one performs well in low impact sports viz. golf, sailing etc.
I am inclined to see some value in the over all findings of the study, albeit bear some reservations in some aspects, and shall expand on it at a later time.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Valid points, yet allow me add some meat to the bones for the study to bear relevance in that there are two tracks:
a) The self, cerebration being represented by innate competency:
i) Here, the focus is how one processes ideas, in one's critical thinking, intelligence, retention of facts, growth in wisdom, and creativity. For instance,
  • From year 0 - 20, one develops aptitude to process ideas whereas from
  • Age 20 - 40, one's critical thinking advances reaching its potential; further, from
  • Age 40 - 60, one's intellect grows in leaps whereas,
  • One's ingenuity, and creativity is fully being realised from age 60 onwards.

b) Physiology, represented by the physical aspects, athleticism, and talent:
i) Here, on the physical form from:​
  • Age 0 - 30 one excels, of course not all, in high impact sports whereas,
  • Age 30 - 50, one is at one's prime in endurance sports viz. weight lifting, mountain climbing etc., and from
  • Age 50 onwards, one performs well in low impact sports viz. golf, sailing etc.
I am inclined to see some value in the over all findings of the study, albeit bear some reservations in some aspects, and shall expand on it at a later time.
Which reservations do you hold?
Which reservations do you hold?
One reservation: I am under the impression creativity is at its peak between the ages of 40 - 60 ( its dawn being at age 40, and 60 ( at its dusk beginning at age 60, and then going down from then onwards). In Islam, prophet Mohamed did not receive Wahy (revelation) till he was in his 40s, which Islamic scholars posit there being a wisdom in that one reaches not one's full maturity till in his forties.
To tie it back to our community, particularly back home, there are two points of interest:
a) Infancy mortality
This is relatively very high, hence the low population density, and with it, there is bound to be a gap in agility, and speed in those formal years of 0 - 10 span.

b) Life expectancy
With the average life expectancy being 60s, the biggest deficiency is gains in ingenuity and wisdom, or lack thereof, in post 60s years, creativity being atop of the stack.

Now, with there being scarcity in agility and speed in those initial formal years, and compounded by loss of creativity and wisdom in later years, might explain wherein lies some of our societal ills. It has been debated there is scarcity in original content in our midst, hence the reason we produce more political commentators, and prima donnas than Smithsonians. Duplicators there are aplenty, but originators, they are a few, if any, I would posit.

Quandaries for our social studies boffins to ponder, or am I reading too much into the 'science'. Ergo why Engineers are always needed to arrive at solutions, and to make sense of 'science'.


Modern people age completely unnaturally due to slowly poisoning themselves with anti-nutrients, phytotoxins, seed oils and glycating sugars like fructose and excess glucose + overdoing it with cardio whilst doing this and not getting enough nutrients. If you look at "tribal" peoples, once you get passed the infant mortality point or dying from injury, war or something to that effect they remain hardy well into their 80s, 90s or centenarian days.

All that's really supposed to happen if you age naturally is slowly becoming more de-pigmented, gradually losing muscle mass and bone density until you finally die of natural causes. The harsh way most people age nowadays with all the aches and pains, white hair by their 20s-30s, the excess wrinkling, the arthritis, atherosclerosis, heart-disease, diabetes... it's all completely to do with their poor diets and little else unless you have some rare genetic condition like Parkinson's.

My maternal great grandmother grew up on a cattle dairy farm in Koonfur where they also grew some fruits like grapes and for much of her life all she consumed was meat, dairy, tea and maybe a salad. She was power-biking for 1-2 hours in her 80s and doing intricate yoga stretches. When she was hospitalized for a short while in her 90s the doctors at the UK hospital swarmed her. My grandmother, her daughter, thought she was dying and that's why there so many doctors around but in reality it was because they were confused at my great gran's muscle tone and bone density alongside her utter lack of any chronic illnesses or diseases despite her advanced age.

Women who are 80+ outpacing 30-40 year old westerners and dancing by jumping up and down. There is a natural decline in athleticism even if you eat our natural human diet but it's not nearly as extreme as the tragedies that occur in modern nursing homes.

