When Will A Somali Mathamatician Arise?

How is a math major? are you doing it with engineering or standalone
I’m majoring in math but plan on doing grad school for engineering. I like math and the fact it gives me skills like problem solving so I can use it to break into other fields. It’s great for versatility.

Not for the weak tho.
I’m majoring in math but plan on doing grad school for engineering. I like math and the fact it gives me skills like problem solving so I can use it to break into other fields. It’s great for versatility.

Not for the weak tho.
Interesting, I use to like math but I think ill just end it with what evers needed for engineering so calc 3 and linear algbera. good luck
Mathamatics is the language of the world, it was primarily founded in Ancient Egypt who mastered and later Babylon in the mid East thru copying, they didn't really advance it much.

It's the simplest topics yet most Somalis waste their time on humanities topics such as you see in this forum, always focusing on shit to do with humans who are only inside the world of mathamatics.

If you understand Basic Maths which is taught to kids you should know calculations is the only tool used. The calculation is multiply, addition, Subtraction, Divide. Their is no other method outside that.

You then apply those calculation method across anything which is quantities the key word Is quantity more then (1).

This can be applied to shapes, distance, weight, volume, area, speed, quantity, space, natural resources, architecture.

Then all you just need to know is relationships on what your measuring or calculating as nothing lives on an island and is influenced by other factors which you set up equations for.

I want to see more Somali Mathamaticians it's actually in our language all the concepts of counting from eber to to sagaal, calculation methods(qayb which is fractions, ku dhufo is multiply, ka jar waa subtraction, ku dar is add).

The idea of mathamatics is even known to illerate people it doesn't need literacy as my grandmother knew it and she was illerate and that's why I know it's the language of the natural world we live in.
There is a strong correlation between having high IQ and having sharp mathematical aptitude and abstract cognitive abilities. And Somalis are not above average let’s just say on IQ globally.


@Yami I spent well over 2015 to 2021 going back and forth trying to act like a hero who can fight it off, medications, quransaar, lifestyle changes like exercise, healthy diet, and good sleeping patterns.

I am advising you like an O.G in psychosis world your wasting your time as they will continue to come and tempt you into more wars and battles with yourself or others, their testing you to see your limits and every man has his limits so don't act like some religious dude or some emotionless bot they can see thru it and they then plan and plot for more hijacking of your senses and also the environment.

What you need to do is talk to them deep in your mind and telepathy because these guys are in a different dimension and have technology to observe your thoughts and heart, their way more advanced then humanity and even now humans are slowly catching up in this domain but their still very much in the stone age compared to jinns so their no real competition.

I think they select certain humans(I don't know the criteria they use but they saw u as different to the normal human herd) and put them thru their jinn trials and unfortunately most just harm themselves or others or spent their natural life in hospital in and out or they isolate hiding out in their homes or taking drugs and alcohol lol, these are the weak ones don't be among them.

The strong ones know their owned and dominated and surrender to them and even pray to them while apologising to God you had no choice because God can see they have an edge on you and your like a little baby in terms of spirit, mind, body to them. You then reach a level where they don't harass u anymore(your among them now, i told them telepathically i wanna be the jinni boqor of your dimension by the end of my life and they responded we have heirachies and i said i am a lion heart and wont stop untill i reach solomon level) and u work together to study and advance natural knowledge fields and even religious fields, they leave in your mind some jinn particle or chemical I think once u reach this stage and only once you end the battles and wars and trying to act emotionless. Then u become like John Nash who didn't take any meds or ever saw a mental hospital and went back to conquer his economic field.

I cut my deal Yami its about time you do the same or else u can keep running around thinking u can defeat them and find yourself spending your whole life in hospital or group homes or harming others or yourself that's the only other option if you keep fighting, just surrender little bro is wiser. I don't take meds now and they don't come for me, i actually call to them as I want to reach a level where I can summon them like sulayman did which is the highest stage to reach with them, I must admit I haven't reached that stage of consulting with them and calling upon them when I need them.
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@Yami My ultimate goal is to reach the solomonic king of jinn status where he controlled them because they were impressed with his heart and surrendered. I didn't reach this stage tho I won't lie, I just go back to normal dimension but I got the jinn particle so I know I reached that level and whatever that means in their heirachy I'm looking forward to death as I did my time in hell while the normal niggas need to pray their saved from it I can hang with Satan and his jinns bra lol so I can go before God and say I ain't scared like religious ppl. U can keep praying Yami they don't care they wanna see how evil ur mind can be and they measure it against their evil.

Hell is about your spirit and internal power and it scales in different levels and intensity u can only know what a man is when he is tested not a believer bra who just prays to avoid pain and struggles, prays don't mean its guaranteed answered I mean go pray for rain or money now is anyone responding? no so u can pray all your life don't mean jack shit once u die or if anyone replies which is what normal ppl do.

Happy Hip Hop GIF by Deadbeat
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Evil isn't killing, raping, drugs and alcohol and all the things religious ppl preach that's kids play in the jinn world, real evil is when ppl don't even know their under slavery or evil and live their lives like their winning, while jinns r laughing that's the type of evil u need to scale too to at least reach a truce with them. Real evil is qiyaano that's why it's called the day of judgement yowmul qiyaama, the great day of trickery lol, sxb evil isn't about this serial killers, rapists, wars, drugs and alcohol and this petty man made shit. Real evil is qiyaano when they don't even know. That's jinn evil.

I'll give U an example of some elementary qiyaano using your region as an example SL, a real qiyaano is a son of Jabartis talks to other Jabartis and says let's give SL independence like South Sudan got who fought the north Sudan and turned on themselves, they will know it will lead to habar on habar wars for power and then the jabartis come and say we support your secession while isaaq dance and laugh(thinking they won), this evil man tho the Jabartis knows he is sending them to hellish outcome and he knows it but he is dancing with them so he doesn't raise eyebrows, that's the type of qiyaano I mean which is quite low basically elementary grade compared to jinn qiyaano and the rule of qiyaano is simple how long it lasts centuries and mellenias vs how un aware the enemy is because he has to be happy not angry while in the qiyaano, the jinns then reward you for your intelligence.
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Aad iyo aad

Evil isn't killing, raping, drugs and alcohol and all the things religious ppl preach that's kids play in the jinn world, real evil is when ppl don't even know their under slavery and live their lives like their winning, while jinns r laughing that's the type of evil u need to scale too to at least reach a truce with them.
The ultimate sin in islam is shirk and associating partners with Allah. Shirk takes many form some people worship celebs, some worship money. Some worship beauty and youth.
Mathamatics is the language of the world, it was primarily founded in Ancient Egypt who mastered and later Babylon in the mid East thru copying, they didn't really advance it much.

It's the simplest topics yet most Somalis waste their time on humanities topics such as you see in this forum, always focusing on shit to do with humans who are only inside the world of mathamatics.

If you understand Basic Maths which is taught to kids you should know calculations is the only tool used. The calculation is multiply, addition, Subtraction, Divide. Their is no other method outside that.

You then apply those calculation method across anything which is quantities the key word Is quantity more then (1).

This can be applied to shapes, distance, weight, volume, area, speed, quantity, space, natural resources, architecture.

Then all you just need to know is relationships on what your measuring or calculating as nothing lives on an island and is influenced by other factors which you set up equations for.

I want to see more Somali Mathamaticians it's actually in our language all the concepts of counting from eber to to sagaal, calculation methods(qayb which is fractions, ku dhufo is multiply, ka jar waa subtraction, ku dar is add).

The idea of mathamatics is even known to illerate people it doesn't need literacy as my grandmother knew it and she was illerate and that's why I know it's the language of the natural world we live in.
This is me.

Insha'Allah I'd like to go back to Somalia to teach maths, maybe when I am 50-60