When will people in Mogadishu say enough is enough?

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As long as the elders of these communities allow their men/boys to be brought into this ideology it will continue. Mogadishu is a city of 3.5 million, and 99% of the clan based militias in the city are unemployed add the remaining homeless+orphans and you have a larger concentration of susceptible young men who have nothing to lose. If they are given a small payment or brainwashed they will do whatever the handlers ask of them. Mogadishu has been out of control for a long time and everyone in the city is armed to the teeth. It's a complicated situation and many of the people who have benefited from the lawlessness want nothing to change and therefore are at the forefront fighting against this government who has brought a large degree of professionalism. The people of mogadishu who are peace loving have had to become accustomed to this nonstop madness.
Yeah it’s currently unfixable, at least try to temporarily move the capital, scout out a small safe area have these African Union people secure it then move farmajo and the rest of the politicians there, basically have it for mostly politicians not civilians and don’t allow any arms in through a highly secure checkpoint from their you can intensify the war against alshabab and govern the country properly
So the status quo will continue....

Yuuuup, do you really think Hawiye will allow the capital to be moved from their deegaan in the south to somewhere in the north where they have no influence, especially a Daarood influenced area??

Loooool ma dhici doonto. You'll have a riot.
Yuuuup, do you really think Hawiye will allow the capital to be moved from their deegaan in the south to somewhere in the north where they have no influence, especially a Daarood influenced area??

Loooool ma dhici doonto. You'll have a riot.
I said before anf before. Hawiye are sympathizing with them. Untill they want peace let it continue.
As for changing the capital maybe temporarily lakiin Xamar will always be our capital


Seeker of knowledge and truth
I said before anf before. Hawiye are sympathizing with them. Untill they want peace let it continue.
As for changing the capital maybe temporarily lakiin Xamar will always be our capital
Hawiye dont function as a clan or bloc they are too individualistic there’s no structure or community intervention some people will look at this as a positive claiming they are not clannish, true but frankly in the absence of a strong government you NEED clan leadership otherwise it will be chaos
Hawiye dont function as a clan or bloc they are too individualistic there’s no structure or community intervention some people will look at this as a positive claiming they are not clannish, true but frankly in the absence of a strong government you NEED clan leadership otherwise it will be chaos
Hawiye have been in chaos 1991. They dont have clan leadership


Yuuuup, do you really think Hawiye will allow the capital to be moved from their deegaan in the south to somewhere in the north where they have no influence, especially a Daarood influenced area??

Loooool ma dhici doonto. You'll have a riot.
There city is already in riot mode, if they can’t clean up then the fgs needs to leave we can’t have one dumb unneeded city ruin our nation, what do you mean by allow we don’t negotiate with terrorists and those who harbour them should suffice, we’re already in the worst case scenario with our politicians dying left and right to these shabaab bastards, move out now and all that oppose you won’t reach you, they can chimpout on their city if they like it’s already currently happening anyway, this will help them realize it’s time to clean up or if they don’t we’ll they’ll permanently lose the privilege of capital, as I said privilege not right


Seeker of knowledge and truth
There city is already in riot mode, if they can’t clean up then the fgs needs to leave we can’t have one dumb unneeded city ruin our nation, what do you mean by allow we don’t negotiate with terrorists and those who harbour them should suffice, we’re already in the worst case scenario with our politicians dying left and right to these shabaab bastards, move out now and all that oppose you won’t reach you, they can chimpout on their city if they like it’s already currently happening anyway, this will help them realize it’s time to clean up or if they don’t we’ll they’ll permanently lose the privilege of capital, as I said privilege not right
The problem with this is if the FGS leaves Mogadishu it will be captured by the terrorists immediately Mogadishu is a HUGE revenue source sometimes i think the FGS only cares about the port and airport nothing else really matters to them


The problem with this is if the FGS leaves Mogadishu it will be captured by the terrorists immediately Mogadishu is a HUGE revenue source sometimes i think the FGS only cares about the port and airport nothing else really matters to them
Maybe leave some guards to protect those assets:manny: yeah the politicians should leave but not the African Union infact this should be their chance to handle this problem now that their are no political targets, right now were in the limbo where we arrest one guy like roboow and then like 5 bombs blast outside farmajos window, how can we defeate them in such circumstances:susp: were currently in defense mode let’s get our politicians safe and move into attack mode
They won't say enough is enough

If zoobe didn't change their mindset nothing will. As for those who want the capital you must be really dumb, capital comes with many many problems. Yikes idd prefer 4 it to be kept far away from my deegaan


it's important to not play the blame game in these uncertain times, no person is responsible for their deaths in a terrorist attack. It's really hard to fight against something you can't see or track. One thing is clear, they want to destroy the publics morale and cause further division. Let us not fall for their tactics and continue to work together against these minor setbacks. May Allah have mercy for the martyr, they will get their justice both in dunya and akhira.
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