Where can I find a sexually adventurous Somali man?

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FGM has no basis in Islam
Domestic violence has no basis in Islam.
Sex slavery neither.

We just making shit up now?

Are you lying to me or yourself? :kodaksmiley:

Sex slavery:
The Quran directly references sex slavery in the Quran 4:24, in that sex is permissible for your wife and what your right hand posses which is a reference to female slaves.

Muhammed had a famous sex slave:

Domestic violence:
Domestic violence/abuse is refered to in the Quran as "strike them" in Quran 4:34.
This is further explained in Hadiths Sunan Abu Dawood 11:2142, where a man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife or more little more generous in Sahih Al-Bukhari 7:62:132 they shouldn't beat your wife as you beat your slave. :susp:

FGM is supported as sunnah and it is adviced in Sunan Abu Dawud 41:5251 not to cut too severely.

Are you lying to me or yourself? :kodaksmiley:

Sex slavery:
The Quran directly references sex slavery in the Quran 4:24, in that sex is permissible for your wife and what your right hand posses which is a reference to female slaves.

Muhammed had a famous sex slave:

Domestic violence:
Domestic violence/abuse is refered to in the Quran as "strike them" in Quran 4:34.
This is further explained in Hadiths Sunan Abu Dawood 11:2142, where a man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife or more little more generous in Sahih Al-Bukhari 7:62:132 they shouldn't beat your wife as you beat your slave. :susp:

FGM is supported as sunnah and it is adviced in Sunan Abu Dawud 41:5251 not to cut too severely.
Are you actually a lesbian?? I am curious haha.
Abaayo, FGM is often something the mother does to her daughter of her own accord, ask any man here on this forum, none of us would ever want this for a woman.
Go watch the documentaries about FGM in Somalia back in the 70s/80s. You'll see men primarily quarrelling with their wives to stop them from performing FGM on their daughters.

The FGM issue is a thing they use to defame and debase Somali men.

As far as the numbers are concerned, 90% of the older generation has had FGM done. But you see them often quoting that 90% of Somali women in total have it. FGM never occurs for those who grew up in the west, and it is illegal in Somalia now to do this. The only people who engage in it are a minority who try to put their tradition over the law. But they make it out as though FGM is being done left and right against Somali women by Somali men. Don't fall for it and look these things up.
Abaayo, FGM is often something the mother does to her daughter of her own accord, ask any man here on this forum, none of us would ever want this for a woman.
Go watch the documentaries about FGM in Somalia back in the 70s/80s. You'll see men primarily quarrelling with their wives to stop them from performing FGM on their daughters.

The FGM issue is a thing they use to defame and debase Somali men.

As far as the numbers are concerned, 90% of the older generation has had FGM done. But you see them often quoting that 90% of Somali women in total have it. FGM never occurs for those who grew up in the west, and it is illegal in Somalia now to do this. The only people who engage in it are a minority who try to put their tradition over the law. But they make it out as though FGM is being done left and right against Somali women by Somali men. Don't fall for it and look these things up.
It is done by women for men. A lot of men are still for the practice. Don't be mistaken. Maybe not in the west but in Somalia. A lot of men till this day will not marry a girl that hasn't been cut. Do not forget the marriageability aspect. Also, a lot of people believe dumb myths about female genitalia. This might not be specific to Somalis but there is a myth that exists that goes like this: if you don't cut the clitoris, it will grow into a penis. Or that an uncut girl is unclean etc. All these myths help the practice to continue. If literally all men stood against it, it would not be happening. The issue is that men have the power in all societies. They need to get involved in the campaign to end it. Somali men are largely silent on the issue though. It's also linked to how we view female sexuality. It is seen as dangerous. We can't have a woman sleeping around in the family. It is shameful. The man can do whatever he wants though. Cut the clit off so she feels less. How many times have people said on here that a criminal is better than a woman who sleeps around? They place all the ceeb/honour responsibility on the woman's shoulders. f*ck that!

Are you lying to me or yourself? :kodaksmiley:

Sex slavery:
The Quran directly references sex slavery in the Quran 4:24, in that sex is permissible for your wife and what your right hand posses which is a reference to female slaves.

Muhammed had a famous sex slave:

Domestic violence:
Domestic violence/abuse is refered to in the Quran as "strike them" in Quran 4:34.
This is further explained in Hadiths Sunan Abu Dawood 11:2142, where a man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife or more little more generous in Sahih Al-Bukhari 7:62:132 they shouldn't beat your wife as you beat your slave. :susp:

FGM is supported as sunnah and it is adviced in Sunan Abu Dawud 41:5251 not to cut too severely.
Can you provide the proper isnad for this hadith? You know hadiths have a scientific methdology to them as to their collection and validityW? When you use a hadith to prove a point, the onus is on you to prove its validity and authenticity. So please go ahead.

Also no, the Qur'an does not refer to sex slavery. The law allows for people to marry (with consent) someone who was considered in a state if slavery.

Sorry about typos. I'm on phone.
Oh cool. It'd be interesting to talk to LGBT Somalis.

Let us discuss then as I'm in fact both gay and openly so.

Lesbian are told that they simply haven't had the right phallic member inside them, while bisexual women are told their sexuality is only to gain the attention of men. It is proven tactic to minimize the spectrum of female sexuality to the gaze of men.
Let us discuss then as I'm in fact both gay and openly so.

Lesbian are told that they simply haven't had the right phallic member inside them, while bisexual women are told their sexuality is only to gain the attention of men. It is proven tactic to minimize the spectrum of female sexuality to the gaze of men.
Have you slept with a woman? Feel free to not answer or to do it via pm. Also, does your family know?
Have you slept with a woman? Feel free to not answer or to do it via pm. Also, does your family know?

It would be very hard to maintain a relationship otherwise, and I'm to be married next may.

My family have known and accepted it for some time, the clan does not but their opinion is beyond irrelevant.

I'm lucky in that regard as a volunteer for the ethnic LGBT organization and where death threats and violence is common both for women and especially men.
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