Where Can I find Information on The Somali Language

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Thank you all for your help!

How many dialects in Somali are there and also which dialect is the original one. Did the difference in dialects occur when some clans migrated south and they developed separately?

@Samaalic Era

Might be able to help you with that. Somali is not my specialism. I’m working on it.


The one and only 4head
Half of Somali words are either Italian, Arabic, Ethiopian, Hindi, English, and Afar.:gucciwhat:

Find in your research what are pure Somali words and if we loaned words out or did other languages loan their words to us.:cosbyhmm:

Most of the French language and English languages are from the Latin language and Germanic Languages.
There's not a single pure language on Earth, get over it walal.
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