Where do coloured eyes in horn Africans come from?

(4) Narrated Abu Huraira: A man came to the Prophet and said, "O Allah's Apostle! A black child has been born for me." The Prophet asked him, "Have you got camels?" The man said, "Yes." The Prophet asked him, "What color are they?" The man replied, "Red." The Prophet said, "Is there a grey one among them?' The man replied, "Yes." The Prophet said, "Whence comes that?" He said, "May be it is because of heredity." The Prophet said, "May be your latest son has this color because of heredity." (Book #63, Hadith #225)


I like oodkac!
Although it’s pretty rare I’ve noticed that a lot of horners have coloured eyes. My old somali neighbour had green eyes and I’ve seen a lot of habeshas with hazel/blue eyes too. For context

Habeshas:View attachment 196425View attachment 196426View attachment 196427View attachment 196432

Somalis:View attachment 196428View attachment 196429View attachment 196430View attachment 196431

Is there any way europeans may have gotten to the horn and transported it?
I’ve only ever seen a oromo with light hazel eyes and a Somali habar with dark blue eyes, everyone else had black eyes


I started my own security company Cerberus.
my grandmother AUN had blue eyes in one of her photos, i think her eye sight was bad because of it.
My DNA shows I have genes for Green and Blue eyes. I was like wow so does this mean if I get a child with a white woman with blue or green eyes then I can have a child with blue or green eyes? haahahaha


I started my own security company Cerberus.

(4) Narrated Abu Huraira: A man came to the Prophet and said, "O Allah's Apostle! A black child has been born for me." The Prophet asked him, "Have you got camels?" The man said, "Yes." The Prophet asked him, "What color are they?" The man replied, "Red." The Prophet said, "Is there a grey one among them?' The man replied, "Yes." The Prophet said, "Whence comes that?" He said, "May be it is because of heredity." The Prophet said, "May be your latest son has this color because of heredity." (Book #63, Hadith #225)
What was that guy expecting a white Arab son to be born for him? If he had a black son there is a genetic reason behind it. Some Nigerian couples had a white son with blue eyes and blonde hair that would qualify for Hitlers Arian Race image hahaha, imagine that hahaah


I started my own security company Cerberus.
I’ve only ever seen a oromo with light hazel eyes and a Somali habar with dark blue eyes, everyone else had black eyes
Oadkac now you doing mugshots my man? is that a Canadian Somali boy in that Mugshot? did he go to Jail?


I started my own security company Cerberus.
Almost every Somali elder have these grey looking eyes. It's some sort of disease/disorder, forgot what it's called.
View attachment 196435
It has to do with the decline of the visual and decline in the melanin. Green and Blue eyes don't exist, eye color doesn't actually exist and is merely the result of the sun and the melanin interacting. So the less melanin to more likely your eyes will interpret the light reflecting off of them according to the rainbow color table. It is all about wavelength and how it interacts with the melanin to bounce off of it so your own retina can interpret that as whatever color.

In other words blue and green eyes people won't show blue or green eyes unless there is light hitting the melanin in their eyes and bouncing it off to reach you. Their eye color can be different different on lighting conditions.


I started my own security company Cerberus.
It’s Top5 the Canadian Somali rapper who’s on the loose for a homicide
His eyes look like a Killers eyes or someone who has "Freshly" killed. I was once Canadian when I was in Middle School. I remember singing that " ♫♪♪ Oh Canada our home and native land ♫♪♪ True something something ahhhh I forgotten the rest of that National Anthem.

Lucky you guys don't do as much guns as we do.
Only some levantines and iraqis and a few east coast khaleejis of shirazi origin have coloured eyes in the Middle East. This is all due to European heritage mainly from crusaders and certain assimilated pre arab groups that share more with Europeans. Even with berbers coloured eyes is concentrated along the coast where a lot of historical Mediterranean trade took place and foreign empires. Most algerians with blue eyes are from kabilye which had an entire Germanic kingdom under the vandals based on it whos remnants after defeated assimilated into the local Berber tribes. What confuses me is that horn Africans have no such encounters with any group that had coloured eyes. The Arabs we come into contact with (yemenis and omanis) hardly ever have coloured eyes and other than Arabs the only other foreign bloodline we may have is bantu and south Asian, neither typically have coloured eyes.

Levantines don't have "crusader" admixture and Vandals lived around Carthage not really Kabylia which was a mountainous and isolated area. Coastal north africans can sometimes have light eyes and blond hair thanks to bronze age bell beaker ancestry and in some cases recent morisco ancestors but that's it.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Levantines don't have "crusader" admixture and Vandals lived around Carthage not really Kabylia which was a mountainous and isolated area. Coastal north africans can sometimes have light eyes and blond hair thanks to bronze age bell beaker ancestry and in some cases recent morisco ancestors but that's it.
Many Lebanese Christians have crusader ancestry especially around the south. Recently, 13th century burial sites found in sidon proved that the local population at that point had heavy crusader admixture;

“It confirmed that the Crusaders mixed with local people and recruited them as fighters”.

About Kabyle, the vandals did have a presence in the mountains, the people of Kabyle are known for their European features for a reason,

“The Vandals, a Germanic people, established a kingdom in North Africa in 435. They were conquered by the East Roman Empire and afterward assimilated into the local Berber population of Kabylia”
Many Lebanese Christians have crusader ancestry especially around the south. Recently, 13th century burial sites found in sidon proved that the local population at that point had heavy crusader admixture;

“It confirmed that the Crusaders mixed with local people and recruited them as fighters”.

You forget this part :

"However, these mixtures appear to have had limited genetic consequences since signals of admixture with Europeans are not significant in any Lebanese group today—in particular, Lebanese Christians are today genetically similar to local people who lived during the Roman period which preceded the Crusades by more than four centuries."

About Kabyle, the vandals did have a presence in the mountains, the people of Kabyle are known for their European features for a reason,

“The Vandals, a Germanic people, established a kingdom in North Africa in 435. They were conquered by the East Roman Empire and afterward assimilated into the local Berber population of Kabylia”

Kabyles literally plot with other north africans and don't have germanic admixture. Moreover Vandals didn't mix with north africans since north africans were catholics while vandals were arians. The Byzantines finished the job and expelled them :

"In addition, religious hostility forbade mixed marriages, so that one can say that two peoples coexisted in the kingdom. [Some authors, such as F. Martroye, assert that the Vandal kings were hostile to mixed marriages for fear of seeing the discipline of their warriors dissolve in the Africitas. One is all the more justified to doubt the homogeneity of the society - it was limited in fact to the fusion between Vandals and Alans - that it is difficult to believe in a "collaboration of class", insofar as the aristocracy, evicted and despoiled, kept resentment to the Vandals even if some of its members had escaped the exile. Even those who had "collaborated" loyally with the Vandals, such as the proconsul of Carthage Victorianus, whose devotion to the king is remembered, were finally eliminated for religious reasons."

Jean-Marie Lassère, Africa Quasi Roma, pp. 671

"The only surviving estimate, however unreliable it may be, places the number of Vandals – ‘old, young, children, slaves and masters’, ‘even he whom the belly of the womb poured forth into this [world’s] light that very day’ – at 80,000 at the time of their passage from Spain into Mauretania in 429. This would have represented only a fraction of the population of Carthage, let alone the rest of Roman Africa."

Jonathan Conant, Staying Roman - Conquest and Identity in Africa and the Mediterranean, p. 19-20


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