Where do you see yourself...do you have a degree or do you have degrees what the f*ck are you into?

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In five years I see myself married, 2 kids, white picket fence house. Having weekend brunches while I shop with my girlfriends. Being a housewife. Inshallah.
Insha Allah you shall live your dreams in dues time. Don't tell me 2 is the limit though...


Allah is the best planner, nigga planned on running track till he lost his legs
Get your f*ck boy shit out here lil niggah :draketf:

You'll get your brains blown out saying that kinda shit around me niggah.
Nigga probably go to Jimco prayer forcefully and shit.:drakelaugh:
Niggah gets asked. "Salada ma tugatay?" :drakewow:
Talking about, "haa aabo" and haven't prayed for 2 years :mybusiness:

Yaa lagaa dareeemin saxiibkiis anaa kaa dareemaye:lebronwait:


No but inviting her to your luuq is is qalad, you should jump in her luuq instead. This is what I mean by your game is not direct. Taticadii baa ka maqan walalkiis

But do your ting fam styll
You took this a little too seriously saxaiibkiis
You do understand this is a joke correct?

I'm sure in due time my qaraab qaraab will begin in her luuq
Right now I live a comfortable life alxmudlilah(minus the stress of school). I have got 2 years left and I see myself with a wife and hopefully a child or a child on the way with double what I currently make Inshallah. I also hope to be a more practicing muslim inshallah.
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