Where is Somali counterintellgience>

Why is it so hard for Somalia to develop 5000 agents, spread them across Somaliweyne to destroy al Shabab, corrupt officials and separatism?

Ethiopia is so advanced they have signals intelligence thanks to the relationship with CIA
Imagine thinking doing any of this is easy..

Separatism for example is an opinion held by the vast majority of a singular decently large clan.

AS is practically a shadow admin and benefits from connections trickled down from the ICU days.

In essence, Arsenal's predecessor actually ruled the entire South and held great sway with the populace.

An artificially-built government that was created in a foreign capital isn't going to make people forget that.
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umm who will pay these mythical agents?

somali govt can’t and no other foreign countries will pay for a countries spy network.

Foerign govt pay the salaries of our Soilders.

when you don’t make any money you can’t do whatever you wanna do. It’s simple


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
The closest Somalia ever got to counter intelligence was during farmajo era he had thousand secret police


You dont need agents persecuting sympathizers you need agents to counter tax agents.

In a digital transfer reliant country this shouldnt be difficult at all especially considering all their money is made in Xamar. The Nisa whether Farmajo or HSM has only ever been used on political opponents.


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
You dont need agents persecuting sympathizers you need agents to counter tax agents.

In a digital transfer reliant country this shouldnt be difficult at all especially considering all their money is made in Xamar. The Nisa whether Farmajo or HSM has only ever been used on political opponents.
Lmao an intelligence service is supposed to carry out counter intelligence, foreign intelligence, maintain national security, do covert ops and you niggas want it to be the IRS😂 when do you ever see mi5 or the cia go after tax evaders bro that’s a job for a special branch of the police
Lmao an intelligence service is supposed to carry out counter intelligence, foreign intelligence, maintain national security, do covert ops and you niggas want it to be the IRS😂 when do you ever see mi5 or the cia go after tax evaders bro that’s a job for a special branch of the police
There’s an internal wing and an external wing of any intelligence agency, one branch to deal with threats at home and one to deal with threats abroad. Sending agents after AS taxmen and henchmen is not a bad idea, it makes good sense, they lose their financial support, it weakens them internally, opens them up to attack.


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
There’s an internal wing and an external wing of any intelligence agency, one branch to deal with threats at home and one to deal with threats abroad. Sending agents after AS taxmen and henchmen is not a bad idea, it makes good sense, they lose their financial support, it weakens them internally, opens them up to attack.
I thought you meant just to find random people that were doing tax evasion, I agree with what you said


Lmao an intelligence service is supposed to carry out counter intelligence, foreign intelligence, maintain national security, do covert ops and you niggas want it to be the IRS😂 when do you ever see mi5 or the cia go after tax evaders bro that’s a job for a special branch of the police
AS gets over half its revenue from Xamar in the form of ‘taxation’.


Dahmi Sugule Mechometus Dhu Kidsh
It’s not so simple.
In the Umayyad, Abbasid and Mamluk eras, the Barid (Postal service) worked as a pre modern postal service but more importantly it was a surveillance system. The focus was not on transporting private messages between individuals but instead on private correspondence within the state.

To maintain an expansive and efficient system they would place relay stations every six to twelve miles with fresh mounts, housing and other amenities/equipment for its couriers in established locations but it was flexible enough that temporary stations could be set up in emergencies such as wartime to keep up with moving armies.

It worked as a surveillance system as the postmasters would double as informants entrusted to send regular updates to the capital about local trial proceedings, the balance of the treasury, inflation on essentials, cost of living, unusual weather activity and just anything of importance which could be used to fire corrupt/inefficient officials.

Running the state while required knowledge of what was going outside of the royal court as summarised by Al-Mansur (the second Abbasid caliph) who was reported to have said what the inserted picture says.


All in all, if people had trustworthy and effective internal intelligence agencies more than a thousand years ago that needed paper, animals of burden and basic organisation skills then nothing is stopping it from happening today. The government in Xamar see their job as a free money glitch and do not want to do anything more than the bare minimum. Defeating Al-Shabab and developing the country is antithetical to their personal interests.
Please explain to me? Why not train, 500 agents, give them covert communications, and just send them off to key spots in al shabab,federal states. what exactly is stopping this? under kaacan we had an intelligence agency that fooled the kgb and cia..
Vetting and training process will be difficult and they have to be the right Somalis. Certain Somalis will always have pro AS leanings and should be monitored as such. The world has moved on from the Cold War era espionage that you mention.


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