Naw you got your story a little mixed up yes it is true mj originally sided with hutus but they weren't alone big foot did two.My mom and dad were home at the time the serious explosion started. We lived in Yaqshid, which was close to the entrance to Mogadishu from Balad.
This meant that my parents were the first group of people to have an inkling of the approaching calamity.
The rebels of the USC first infiltrated the capital and they stored weaponry in trusted homes.
The initial explosion took place one faithful day, to signal that everyone should grab their stashed weapon.
The next day ragtag young men with macawiis stood at almost every street and every intersection. The insurrection was in full force.
The elite government people, with their family ( usually all Daroods, they were collectively hated and blamed at the time) clustered around an area on each district for mutual protection. They abandoned their homes. The predator became the hunted.
When fighting reached unbearable stature these Daroods seen what was written on the wall as Siad Barre was crumbling and they had intelligence that the old man will breakout of the entrapment ( he was trapped the last week of the fighting and had used the beach to getaway ) so they all exited the capital and they gathered in Afgoi.
Then the USC (Hawiye) came hinting for them and the Daroods ran to Kidmaayo. Here is where the Daaroods regrouped and collected all their weapons. They then staged a spirited karbashing of the USC which bushed the USC all the way back to Afgoye.
This is where the the disaster happened, the disaster that broke the Daroods unrelenting thirst for power. This episode happened because MJ realized that this coalition of Daaroods are about to retake the capital and the seat of power and this meant that their arch enemy, Siad Barre, will be restored. At this moment of great betrayal the MJ guarding the outer flanks at Afgoye quietly withdrew and this allowed the USC, led by the brilliant General Caydiid, to come behind them which put a great horror on the Darood and which made them lose command and control. Here, a lot of major Generals of the Daarood died. This is where really Siad's last great stand took place. This is where Siad cursed the Somali nation to half century of disarray ( we still got 25 yo go ). The curse still is on the Somali nation.
Weren't the cause of the back stabbing spm at the beginning were already with usc thats including the harti and the ogaden factions ogaden especially were very pro hutu my mom was in afgoye for few months after leaving xamar before hutus started moving south she went back to xamar a little less than a month the darod people she seen in the city was bunch of big foot dancing around talking shit. She went back down to afgoye was there for a week before hutus came attacking she left for mareerey while hutus and ogaden were working together something happened hutus turned on big foot and started killing them all the way to jilib my mom seen all the ogaden milltia dead bodies scattered around near jilib where the ogaden and hutus fought morgan men the harti faction were seating in kismayo at that time and had nothing to do with back stabbing ogaden it wasn't until the capture of kismayo when darod banded together and pushed back hutus all the way near xamar that ogaden back stabbed thinking siyaad barre was gonna come back in power