Where you physically disciplined as a child?

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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
If yes, would you do the same to your children and do you think it's abuse.

Neither of my parents were beaten as children, except for my father at school by the teacher. My grandfather (AUN) believed it lowers the self esteem of children and makes them more stubborn and wild anyways. My father's side were softies anyways. I'm not having any children but personally I agree with spanking younger kids. I've seen that it's effective on extremely hyper children and in some ways it's better than the stupid western techniques like time out. Older children 10 and should never under any circumstances be hit. In my opinion.

My parents used guilt. :(

Queen Carawelo

My father never laid hands on us. My mother would give us the look and we knew she meant business without her beating us.

And no I would never beat my kids. Communication is the key when it comes to disciplining your kids. Talk to them and let them know what they did was wrong.


last time i went to dugsi back when i was 15 or so i came to dugsi in shorts since my jeans were getting washed this big mistake:wow:my main teacher was cool nice person he told me not to do it again:ufdup:his helper thoe f*ck boy got angry and shit started screaming at me he pulled out something to hit me with (i can't remember right now) :ufdup: i told him not today fuckboy and left:ufdup:


My parents harely hit us growing up . But if they did, we must've done something idiotic.
Theres nothing wrong with, "spanking" your children. Its a lot healthier than emotional abuse
The Western soceity wants us believe hitting children is a sin. When in fact, they do it also.
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
My parents did not believe in corporal punishment or disparaging us as a way to get us to conform. My brothers and I were well behaved. I'm of the belief that a disciplined parent makes a disciplined child. Change your behaviour (for the better) and I'm sure you'll witness a change in them too.
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I used to get beats especially since I'm the oldest child. Now when I look at my siblings they don't get beats which is unfair since I had to deal with beats. They're spoilt and my parents way of disciplining them is bribing them. Smh they've gone soft.
Why are you so sure you won't be havng kids?

My situation is pretty much the same as Sienna's. My youngest sibling is spoilt and gets away with murder compared to me when I was his age. I'd beat them rarely, only when they truly deserve it.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Spanking!, I'm weak! :russ: That some Western bullshit.

The belt, the broom, the stick, the pan, the shoes a, sandals etc. did the job with me. Discipline is definitely needed .
my earliest memory is of me crawling around rapidly under the kitchen table, trying not to get hit. I think I was 5.

it was all downhill from there

i don't believe in having children but i also don't agree to abuse/assaulting little people


The belt. That one was the most painful. :dead:

These ones hurt a lot too. I still have some scars a decade and half later from these two.




I used to get beat with a rolling pin.
They stopped early on though and used psychological manipulation which was worse. :wow:



and used psychological manipulation which was worse. :wow:

Thank god for most Somali parents being too reer badiye to understand this. Getting beat sucks, but it only sucks for like a couple hours. Dat sleep after you get ur ass whooped tho :ahh: But mental/psychological discipline is far worse. I can't imagine how my life would be growing up if my parents figured out that taking away my PS2, xbox and runescape away from me would hurt me more. That shit would set me straight af bruh, I'd never f*ck around again :mjcry: Or when your older (12+) the "dissapointed" card hurts too. That shit makes u wanna change more than a beating cuz it stings and you feel hella guilty
i'm the oldest in his younger days duuga used to put that work in the little once are luck he doesn't have that fire in his belly anymore. nower days his is all about the bribery tho i remember sometimes he used to tag hooyo in on some wwf type shit when he got tired i used to be a dipshit :kobeok:i personally think it gave me character and a back bone kids need discipline might have to whoop their ass once in a while especially boys till they are 12 years one thing i noticed getting band from his ps4 is a death sentence to my little brother. :pachah1:
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