I went grocery shopping with my aunt asked if I could buy some tofu and she told me “Rubberkaan gurigaay waa ka xaran” and I tried arguing it’s not rubber??? I explained it was a healthier, cheaper alternative and contained lots of nutrients but she said to leave the liberal white ideas in my flat I wasn’t even allowed to buy it with my own money. That evening I was forcefed thick steak cooked rare because my aunt heard rare steak will get rid of the iron deficiency she claims I have (I literally don’t have it, I just slept more than usual) How am I allowed to move out and manage most aspects of my life but not allowed to avoid meat?3kg?, she wanted to make up for that loss
But i feel you, you think my mom who always falls for new essential oils and brings new ciliid or edibles home thinking its good for your health is gonna let me go without meat?