Which comes first-last, between your mother, your husband/wife, or your children? (In what order?) Why?


♚Sargon of Adal♚
As a man, I am responsible for my family, in order of importance, my children until they become adults, wife, mother and father.

It's counterintuitive to not put your children first, but it's actually healthier to put your spouse over your kids, since this improves the children's lives, growing up in an emotionally stable household, everything requires a balance.
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peace is the key
children mother
your know how the hadith goes, mother mother mother before anyone, no questions asked but then I put children as also first, they are my blood and flesh and I should care for them before anyone, even a husband.
My mother than my wife than my children. Why in this order my mother had me. Id give money or food or anything to my wife to help our children.

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Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
As a man, I am responsible for my family, in order of importance, my children until they become adults, wife, mother and father.

It's counterintuitive to not put your children first, but it's actually healthier to put your spouse over your kids, since this improves the children's lives, growing up in an emotionally stable household, everything requires a balance.
Factz 💯

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
1. Hooyo
2. Kids
3. Wife

As we all know, gateway to Jannah lies beneath our mothers. I expect the same order of importance for my wife.

Prioritising my moms wellbeing will work in my favour. Knowing my mum, she will prioritise the grandkids over her children. I already know I will sadly lose importance once I get a kid. Little me better appreciate this kkkkk.
Its also not out of question my mom will be prioritising my wifes wellbeing over mine. Nothing bad with this, being a good mother in law will help the marriage tremendously.

My mom will have my back ultimately, but as a good person she is, I trust her to do the right always.
Which comes first, your left eye or your right eye? Your heart, lungs, or brain? It's pointless to obsess over ranking things that each play unique and essential roles. The same goes for relationships. Trying to say your daughter, wife, and mother are somehow "competing" is incredibly foolish, as each relationship is clearly distinct and serves a different purpose in your life.

Interestingly, you don't bring up your son, father, grandfather, or brother in this kind of comparison, and there's a reason for that. This unhealthy sense of competition is part of why so many newlyweds feel like they’re up against an imaginary “threat” when, in reality, no such rivalry should exist.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
1. Hooyo
2. Kids
3. Wife

As we all know, gateway to Jannah lies beneath our mothers. I expect the same order of importance for my wife.

Prioritising my moms wellbeing will work in my favour. Knowing my mum, she will prioritise the grandkids over her children. I already know I will sadly lose importance once I get a kid. Little me better appreciate this kkkkk.
Its also not out of question my mom will be prioritising my wifes wellbeing over mine. Nothing bad with this, being a good mother in law will help the marriage tremendously.

My mom will have my back ultimately, but as a good person she is, I trust her to do the right always.
Did you marry your hoyo though? Will you bring children, the most precious thing you are responsible for in this life with your hoyo? Will you live with her everyday for the rest of your life???? (ideally, or not 🤦‍♂️)

If you and your wife both prioritised your mothers over each other than I can say your marriage will be doomed as there Is only room inside of marriage for dedication to THE marriage itself, not people outside of it.
I hate these questions with a passion.

People are going to need you and you’re going to prioritize them in different stages of life.

1. When single, you’ll prioritize your mother. You don’t have any kids or responsibilities and she’s your sole focus, including your father and your siblings.

2. When newly married you’re going to have to prioritize your wife especially in the newlywed stages and whilst she’s birthing your kids and your own mother is going to prioritize your father and is hopefully being looked after by her husband (your father).

3. When kids come along, You’re going to have put your children first above all, whilst they’re young and need your protection and guidance.

5. Once middle aged and your children leave the nest and marry, you and your wife will revert to prioritizing each other and hopefully you’ll center each other over even your children since by then they’ll have their own spouses and children ect.

6. When parents become elderly, You’re going to have to prioritize parents when they’re very old and your father can no longer provide for your mum and himself. At that stage in life, your parents will come before even your children if your kids are young adults by then.

And the cycle repeats for your children. You’ll be a priority, then wife and kids come along so they’ll put them first for a bit and once you’re old, they’ll put you first.

This is life. It’s filled with stages.
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