Which foreign military should the Somali armed forces model itself after?

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I think, we should prioritize Turkey and Egybt of all the arab nations as they are the two most influential.

We should look to increase trade trough the muslim league in countries such as Indonesia, and in that regard medling in other countries won't suit us.

I also think we should avoid realign ourselves too much with a major power or else fall for the same fate :farole:
Turks aren't arab.
I think the british military would be the best ofcourse due to the rep they gained through warefare.
Most militaries across the globe including America modelled themselves after the British.
We can take some stuff from different militaries but with our own doctrines.
But without top notch NCOs that could guide and advise junior officers & give out instructions our military wont mean much similar to the militaries in the middle east.
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