You said:
I replied:
To which you replied:
The evidence you presented contradicts what you've stated and shows that I was right. Al-Shabaab existed before any Ethiopian invasion into Somalia and were military wing under the Islamic Courts Union.
The Ethiopian invasion marked the true emergence of Al-Shabaab and I have not at any point denied this. Al-Shabaab went from fighting warlords to fighting the Ethiopian military, those are just the facts.
You said:
Again, the evidence you presented contradicts this. Al-Shabaab was always violent and extreme.
Under the Courts, Al-Shabaab practiced controlled violence, but they became an insurgency leading to the absolute chaos we witness to this day. Once the ICU started to negotiate with the government and International Community, a power vacuum was left in the opposition and Al-Shabaab took advantage of this. They became the largest resistance to the government, hence how/why they emerged "from the ICU's shadow".
You said:
What experts? Where? Bring me proof that the Al-Shabaab ousted the ICU leaders. It's an established fact that the Ethiopians ousted the ICU from power, causing them to flee south of Mogadishu and towards the Jubbas.
The split between Al-Shabaab and the Courts occurred once the Courts began negotiating with the Somali government in 2007. The conference concluded in late 2008 and Sheikh Sharif was elected as President in Jan 2009.
Al-Shabaab refused to negotiate with the Somali government and used the Ethiopian invasion as an excuse not to do so even those most of the ICU ( including its former leader, Sh. Sharif) had no issue joining the government, proving that Al-Shabaab were always 'radical' and 'extreme'. Nothing you've provided shows that Abdullahi Yusuf or even the TFG for that matter were responsible for Al-Shabaab. They existed years before any Ethiopian invasion and were an armed militia group who were responsible for carrying out violence on behalf of the Courts.
Btw, to call the ICU 'moderate' is a stretch. Both the ICU and Al-Shabaab have the same ideology ( Salafi Islam) and differed on very little issues ( Salafi Jihadi vs Salafi Jadiidi).
As you can see, Al-Shabaab were always Salafi Jihadists. Ethiopia, the TFG, Abdullahi Yusuf, the International Community, Sheikh Sharif and other Salafi Jadidis turning their back on Shabaab etc did not radicalize them. They were already jihadist radicals. Regardless of any Ethiopian involvement in Somalia, Shabaab would have been a thorn in the side of any Somali government that did not implement their version of Sharia.
Alshabab wouldnt Even exist if it wasnt for abdullahi yusuf.
I replied:
But Al-Shabaab was the military wing of the Islamic Courts Union.
To which you replied:
No They werent They had nothing to do with islamic courts union. That is incorrect with zero evidence. False allegations.
The evidence you presented contradicts what you've stated and shows that I was right. Al-Shabaab existed before any Ethiopian invasion into Somalia and were military wing under the Islamic Courts Union.

The Ethiopian invasion marked the true emergence of Al-Shabaab and I have not at any point denied this. Al-Shabaab went from fighting warlords to fighting the Ethiopian military, those are just the facts.
You said:
most experts agree that the extremism and radicalization of Alshabab happened after the Ethiopias invasion and the fall of ICU.
Again, the evidence you presented contradicts this. Al-Shabaab was always violent and extreme.

Under the Courts, Al-Shabaab practiced controlled violence, but they became an insurgency leading to the absolute chaos we witness to this day. Once the ICU started to negotiate with the government and International Community, a power vacuum was left in the opposition and Al-Shabaab took advantage of this. They became the largest resistance to the government, hence how/why they emerged "from the ICU's shadow".
You said:
All experts agree on is that they ousted the ICU leaders and Became radical extreme and powerful simply due to the Ethiopias invasion of somalia.
What experts? Where? Bring me proof that the Al-Shabaab ousted the ICU leaders. It's an established fact that the Ethiopians ousted the ICU from power, causing them to flee south of Mogadishu and towards the Jubbas.
The split between Al-Shabaab and the Courts occurred once the Courts began negotiating with the Somali government in 2007. The conference concluded in late 2008 and Sheikh Sharif was elected as President in Jan 2009.
Al-Shabaab refused to negotiate with the Somali government and used the Ethiopian invasion as an excuse not to do so even those most of the ICU ( including its former leader, Sh. Sharif) had no issue joining the government, proving that Al-Shabaab were always 'radical' and 'extreme'. Nothing you've provided shows that Abdullahi Yusuf or even the TFG for that matter were responsible for Al-Shabaab. They existed years before any Ethiopian invasion and were an armed militia group who were responsible for carrying out violence on behalf of the Courts.
Btw, to call the ICU 'moderate' is a stretch. Both the ICU and Al-Shabaab have the same ideology ( Salafi Islam) and differed on very little issues ( Salafi Jihadi vs Salafi Jadiidi).
After the January 2009 election of the Islamist Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed as president of Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (he committed to codify and implement Sharia), Salafi clerics in al-Ictisaam (non-armed successor to AIAI) and Salafi Jadid (new Salafis) groups denounced waging jihad against the government, while Salafi-jihadi sheikhs called Sharif a collaborator
As you can see, Al-Shabaab were always Salafi Jihadists. Ethiopia, the TFG, Abdullahi Yusuf, the International Community, Sheikh Sharif and other Salafi Jadidis turning their back on Shabaab etc did not radicalize them. They were already jihadist radicals. Regardless of any Ethiopian involvement in Somalia, Shabaab would have been a thorn in the side of any Somali government that did not implement their version of Sharia.