Dadkeena waa strong allahumabarik. But the people with the richest culture, civilization and tradition waa reer benadiri. Do you realize most of our food and clothing originate from banadir. Baris iyo moos is a cultural cuisine started by the reer banadiri community. It was later adapted by Somali nomads.
You forgot Banadir. Most of our clothing and food originate from the Banadir coast. For example, Baris iyo moos is a cultural cuisine started by the Benadiri community. It was later adapted by Somali nomads.
I would say the Banadir coast. Most of our cultural cuisine, clothing, and traditions originate from the Banadir coast. For example, our most famous dish, Baris iyo moos, was originally started by the Banadiri community. Macawis iyo koofi is another traditional Benadiri dress. Somali nomads adapted these traditional clothing and cuisines. The Banadiri community had a lot of influence on Somali cuisine and clothing.
Kulaha most of our food, culture, traditions and clothing comes from Banaadiris?!?! They had no influence on the Somalis in Waqooyi, Galbeed and many other parts of Somaliweyn (as the title says).
Moreover, why are you speaking like the Banadiri guy whenever you’re talking about ethnic Somalis? It’s always dissing Somalis, especially reducing us to nomads whom you use as a front. As if we were bare people with nothing while putting Banaadiris on a pedestal. At the same time, also ignoring the numerous non-nomad Somalis.
I wouldn’t be surprised if you were Banaadiri yourself, considering how you mention them in most threads. More so than the clan/ethnicity you claim. Stop pretending to be someone you’re not.

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