Which SomaliSpot Users do you think are most attractive?

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Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Nah, it’s just that only the good looking users will have enough courage to post their pictures to be judged, there is a selection bias here. The unattractive ones are in hiding

Nah, it isn’t about looks why people posted.

It’s mainly related to privacy. Some people value it more than others, some are in a more precarious position etc.

Esp with women, they’ll be more hesitant than men on average regarding picture sharing.


Nah, it isn’t about looks why people posted.

It’s mainly related to privacy. Some people value it more than others, some are in a more precarious position etc.

Esp with women, they’ll be more hesitant than men on average regarding picture sharing.
You're right privacy does play a more important role. But I still think as a general rule people who are attractive (or view themselves as such) are more confident to post their picture online


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Nah, its just that only the good looking users will have enough courage to post their pictures to be judged, there is a selection bias here. The unattractive ones are in hiding
Hesitancy to post relates to privacy. I have met thousands of Somalis both online and offline. My sample is large enough. Few are unattractive, many are average or above. And generally our average looks pretty good and conforms to many aspects of western beauty standards. Also, I have seen many Sspot users. The impression others have about them being hideous is extremely exaggerated and its quite the converse. Hence, why people are shocked.

If you have contrarian views that people don't like they will perceive you as less attractive even if that is patently false.

Also, judging by your very statement you did not post so does that make you xuux? :deadrose:


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Nah, it isn’t about looks why people posted.

It’s mainly related to privacy. Some people value it more than others, some are in a more precarious position etc.

Esp with women, they’ll be more hesitant than men on average regarding picture sharing.

How did this even get a qashin?

This is probably my least controversial post on SSpot and it still gets slated lmao.
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