Already whipped out the paragraphshe is a a duli beneath me, i told him invite me to your podcast so we can discus economics and how to fix somali, he backed out, he said you are more handsome then me and smarter, he said i have 1 degree, you have 3
i have actually never had a fight since i was like 9 years of age, the last dude i fought pulled my little sister's scarf, i was in a private primary school, i beat him so badly his fang came out, cabdi,
the next day when the school complained, mum singed a form giving them permission to beat me black and blue
then when i came home she said well done for defending your sister, i expect that, but you should not have smashed his fang out, and dad whipped me with a belt for beating the kid, agah.
they were private Turkish run school in denmark before we moved to england, the teachers were massive big dudes former fighters who fought in Bosnia and Chechnya in the early 90s,
because it was private school, i could be whipped, when i came to UK, i protected kids in my year, i would tell the black kids dont bully so and so, in front of the entire canteen i would say Ravinder or amir from today on is under my protection, dont touch him,
they whipped me with belts and actually bunched me a few times and mum paid for the privilege since it was private, despite defending my sister, but it never did me any harm,
since 9 i never touched anyone, fought anyone, out of 200 students, i must have looked after like 40 kids under my protection, i was ready to fight, i looked after the geeks that were despised, i felt sorry for them so i looked after them from black and white kids
i was tall, handsome, the girls loved me, rude, arrogant and people said i walk like a future president, so i had that face that commanded or demanded respect,
i even won the most handsome somali and African award at 16 just before graduation, i did not bother to turn up, the girls would go goo gaa for me, i was working in the family own business form 14
i promise you i am 7 times better looking, taller, stronger, and smarter than Dr Osman, i can beat him any day and i dont create podcasts insulting fellow somali clans,
this is my half cut head,
I look like a Greek Statue dipped in honey dew, i walk like i am the most handsome dude in the world, Friends would say to me please Mr T, please dont look at my girl, she made fall for you,
wallahi i would not lie, I would turn up in a train station and the random chicks wold smile and say hey can i take a picture, or the school girls would wolf whistle,
i am the somali version of this guy in terms of my cheek bones, my dad and awow are spitting images of me in terms of hair, face, cheek bones so strong i can break a bra from 2 miles away agahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol
ninyahow i made girls bashaqqqq just by looking and smiling, i will not lie alxamdulilah Allah has been kind to me,
Thank you Allah Lord of the words for my handsome OG genes, I heard centuries ago somali females would head to DDS to find an OG husband to make sure she has gorgeous kids,
please say masha Allah, no evil eye chaps, please. thanks.
i am not confident enough to show my whole face, if i did @General Asad would go crazy (horta she is a female)
i look like him,
the nose, so slender, long but straight, lips so kissable, hair, cheekbones,
and i dress to impress, in my single days i would go to a restaurant and pick up a number from the waiter, she would offer it, and all i did was smile and look into her eyes,
i have dated at least 250 girls and 80% of them have approached me or their sister, cousin friend , oh the number of times waiter chicks would offer me free food, i never chased them, they came to me usually.
if i married @PuntiteQueen wallahi i would have created handsome kids with her, she is a tall beauty i hear
before we left home, mum would tell me and my brothers and sisters to say dua to avoid evil eye or sixir, i even once had some random Chinese couple from Hong kong stopped me and said hey can we take a picture for our daughter back home, you look like a super model, my aunt said sorry get lost,
wallahi girls would rive their cars next to me and open the window and say hi i saw there,
next time i visit my mate in down under i dont mind seeing the Dr and go for a few rounds in the ring, i want to break his mouth and legs dulika
The last time these 2 dudes was in the same thread they made the topic go from a somali girl twerking to how osman mahmud wuss bantu girls
I actually read it to the end but hilarioushe is a a duli beneath me, i told him invite me to your podcast so we can discus economics and how to fix somali, he backed out, he said you are more handsome then me and smarter, he said i have 1 degree, you have 3
i have actually never had a fight since i was like 9 years of age, the last dude i fought pulled my little sister's scarf, i was in a private primary school, i beat him so badly his fang came out, cabdi,
the next day when the school complained, mum singed a form giving them permission to beat me black and blue
then when i came home she said well done for defending your sister, i expect that, but you should not have smashed his fang out, and dad whipped me with a belt for beating the kid, agah.
they were private Turkish run school in denmark before we moved to england, the teachers were massive big dudes former fighters who fought in Bosnia and Chechnya in the early 90s,
because it was private school, i could be whipped, when i came to UK, i protected kids in my year, i would tell the black kids dont bully so and so, in front of the entire canteen i would say Ravinder or amir from today on is under my protection, dont touch him,
they whipped me with belts and actually bunched me a few times and mum paid for the privilege since it was private, despite defending my sister, but it never did me any harm,
since 9 i never touched anyone, fought anyone, out of 200 students, i must have looked after like 40 kids under my protection, i was ready to fight, i looked after the geeks that were despised, i felt sorry for them so i looked after them from black and white kids
i was tall, handsome, the girls loved me, rude, arrogant and people said i walk like a future president, so i had that face that commanded or demanded respect,
i even won the most handsome somali and African award at 16 just before graduation, i did not bother to turn up, the girls would go goo gaa for me, i was working in the family own business form 14
i promise you i am 7 times better looking, taller, stronger, and smarter than Dr Osman, i can beat him any day and i dont create podcasts insulting fellow somali clans,
this is my half cut head,
I look like a Greek Statue dipped in honey dew, i walk like i am the most handsome dude in the world, Friends would say to me please Mr T, please dont look at my girl, she made fall for you,
wallahi i would not lie, I would turn up in a train station and the random chicks wold smile and say hey can i take a picture, or the school girls would wolf whistle,
i am the somali version of this guy in terms of my cheek bones, my dad and awow are spitting images of me in terms of hair, face, cheek bones so strong i can break a bra from 2 miles away agahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol
ninyahow i made girls bashaqqqq just by looking and smiling, i will not lie alxamdulilah Allah has been kind to me,
Thank you Allah Lord of the words for my handsome OG genes, I heard centuries ago somali females would head to DDS to find an OG husband to make sure she has gorgeous kids,
please say masha Allah, no evil eye chaps, please. thanks.
i am not confident enough to show my whole face, if i did @General Asad would go crazy (horta she is a female)
i look like him,
the nose, so slender, long but straight, lips so kissable, hair, cheekbones,
and i dress to impress, in my single days i would go to a restaurant and pick up a number from the waiter, she would offer it, and all i did was smile and look into her eyes,
i have dated at least 250 girls and 80% of them have approached me or their sister, cousin friend , oh the number of times waiter chicks would offer me free food, i never chased them, they came to me usually.
if i married @PuntiteQueen wallahi i would have created handsome kids with her, she is a tall beauty i hear
before we left home, mum would tell me and my brothers and sisters to say dua to avoid evil eye or sixir, i even once had some random Chinese couple from Hong kong stopped me and said hey can we take a picture for our daughter back home, you look like a super model, my aunt said sorry get lost,
wallahi girls would rive their cars next to me and open the window and say hi i saw there,
next time i visit my mate in down under i dont mind seeing the Dr and go for a few rounds in the ring, i want to break his mouth and legs dulika
Smashing your bro? ngl sounds a bit fruityMe vs @Crow battle in super smash Bros ultimate
Check the essay @Teeri-Alpha posted now lmaoThe last time these 2 dudes was in the same thread they made the topic go from a somali girl twerking to how osman mahmud wuss bantu girls
Expect a 30 page fkd thread![]()
Check the essay @Teeri-Alpha posted now lmao
We need to do an actual study on this sxb. There is definitely a correlation that we all have noticedPeople who post in essays on here are generally crazy:siilaanyolaugh:
Short posts = clear mind.
@NINKII DHAKADA DHEERA vs @NINKII DHAKADA DHEERA@CaliTedesse vs @SOULSEARCHING , battle of the best storyteller